Chapter 33

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Garroth's POV
Sliding I slumped down the hall as flickering images of Zane's furious face viciously smacked me within my mind
"Is this a joke to you?!
I end up in hospital and all you guys can do is-is lie and poke fun at me!?"
My tired eyes stayed glued to the path in front before hearing a voice yell
Causing me to stop in my tracks and slowly turn around too see Vylad speeding towards me as Aph, Aaron and Mithzan slowly walked behind.
Vylad huffed as he placed his hands on his knees before lifting a finger up signaling for a breather.
"Look Vylad I'm tired, hungry and I really can't deal with this right now"
I stated, noticing Mithzan step next to him
"G-garroth it's"
Vylad gasped before i rolled my eyes and straightened him out
I suggested causing him to chuckle in response, a smile  creaking on my face
"What Vylad's trying to say is that it's just a side effect to his collapsed mind, he can't remember everything just yet but it should all come back to him in time"
He spoke making my mind set at ease slightly before suddenly my heart seemed to beat a different rhythm.
A voice screamed causing my feet to leap into action
What was I thinking!?
I skidded to the door before suddenly Zane flew through it slamming into me making him yelp before hiding behind me.
The Skull strapped over his face starring at the now closed doors
"I'm sorry Garroth, for lashing out like that at you all, to be honest I didn't wanna believe you, I didn't wanna to believe I hurt anyone"
He whined as I noticed his bleeding legs and chest before swiftly he made me fall to the ground
"Ah holy +++++ I can see!"
"Hey don't use Irene's name in vain!"
Zane babbled as I stood up to see a wrench smashed into his skull
He pleaded as he tried to pull it off himself before I stood up to assist him.
His skull snapped off only to plummet to the ground and skid away leaving Zane's teared eyes to daze up at me.
I swung my arms around him as he did with me
"Aw...Well isn't this adorable"
A glitched voice spoke causing Zane's body to freeze up
I looked to my right to notice her foot lightly placed on the skull, her eyes starring dead at me as though trying to suck my into their dark abyss.
Zane whined as he clutched my T-shirt, Michi's foot lowering and lowering
"Ah-agh ple-ase S-stop"
He pleaded
"That's the exact word that trailed out of my mouth when the blood didn't stop spouting out my tail!"
She yelled as she placed more pressure on the skull causing Zane to fall to his knee's, clutching his hair as if his life depended on it.
"I'm sorry ok I didn't mean too i-i"
He whined before she let out an extremely loud laugh
"You Sorry?, didn't mean too?!
'I'll believe that when I'm dead'!"
She mimicked as my eyes burned with anger before suddenly Vylad fell from within the roof panels and almost flattened her.
Zane viscously shook his head as I seized Michi's tail, Aaron and Vylad holding her to the ground allowing the creature to fly out.
Snarling it sprung up to its feet and crouched down to the floor as though daring me to make a move.
A claw dug into its back causing me to follow it up to Zane's arm, then his chest, neck and finally his eyes.
His black eyes.
The white pupils glared up at me as his face remained drained of colour and life all together.
He picked up the small fur ball as it shivered in fear within his grasp.
He growled.
I then spotted his skull alongside the now sane Michi as she starred blankly at us.
He snarled, revealing his sharp teeth at the creature before holding it near his mouth
"Ay! no Zane don't eat that"
I ordered causing him too look over at me in confusion before shoving it in his mouth.
I leaped at him, pinned him to the ground and starred at him
"Spit. It. Out"
I commanded before he childishly shook his head.
Don't say i didn't warn you
I creaked his mouth open to see it squirming at the back of his throat making him violently gag.
I reached in, noticing his blue, panicked eyes returning before finally getting a grip on the creature and ripping it out.
Gasping Zane's body shot up causing me to fly backwards but assured the creature was secure within my hands before sitting back up.
"Why the hell was your hand in my mouth!?"
He groaned as he continuously wiped his tough.
"Why was you gonna eat that!?"
Michi asked, pointing to the black creature held within my hands, its shivering and flinching waving through my them.
I soon poured some holy water onto it allowing it to turn into a small brown hare with its hazel eyes beaming up at us.
Aph ran over to me and couldn't help but stroke the cute thing as I could tell it loved her affection.
Her delicate fingers tracing around its floppy ears causing its leg to go mad out of pleasure.
I then decided to place it in her arms as she ran around with it, cuddled it, played with it and well... I began feeling sorry for it to be honest.
Then reality hit me straight across the face as I noticed Zane missing from our crowd causing me to scan around the hall
I sighed dragging everyone's attention towards me before they soon seemed to notice the missing presence too.
"Where'd he?"
Vylad started
"Great we lost him"
Aaron groaned, releasing Michi before folding his arms in annoyance
"If he overworks himself it could cause a disaster to his blood system"
Max informed us
Zane's POV
Wondering, lost, confused I limped through the almost deserted town as I abandoned the hospital.
My mind ached, my tail limp and heavy, dreadfully being dragged behind me like an unwanted garbage bag waiting to be deposed of.
A sufficient amount of people would give me an odd look as though to say
'What place did you escape from?'
And yet there was the some that just ignored me.
They mainly had headphones plugged into their ears so that kinda explains it.
My mind felt wiped of memory only traces of awakening but my past kept chasing up to me, taunting me even but I still couldn't remember the lab or... Anything like that.
I slowly walked around the corner only to slam into someone, almost making them fall to the floor before I swiftly pulled them back up by their red and yellow scarf
I apologized as I released the scarf
Multiple voices questioned causing me too glance up at four extremely familiar people.
Barney and
Ro-wait a second!
"Get off!"
Suddenly a skull faced creature glared at me
"Get your filthy paws off of my boss!"
The skull faced creature crawled to me
The skull faced monster scratched at me
"H-hey looking for somethin!"
That skull faced monster snapped at me
"So your Zane"
That creature...
"Not Zane Ro Meave by any chance?"
Is me.
My feet trembling, my eyes starring and my heart pounding they gave me an odd look of confusion.
Ross questioned yet again waving a paw in front of my face, my eyes starring at his neck.
His blood stained, bandaged neck.
He looked down at it then back at me, seeming to understand my thoughts as my breathes rapidly escaped my mouth.
"Woah uh Zane it's ok"
He stated as my head frantically shook in defence
"N-no No it's not!, who else did it hurt-!"
"Oh you really wanna know"
"Z can't you see he doesn't need you messing around with him right now!?"
"Stop it then!"
I backed away slightly as them voices escaped my mouth, my hands pleadingly trying to cover it.
"Ok were gonna pretend that didn't happen"
Red spoke
"Zenix will you please be careful!"
A voice ordered before suddenly something ran over my tail causing me to jump up in surprise
"Come on Balto don't be such a joy killer"
Zenix chuckled, a skateboard held tight in his grasp as I felt a hand slide onto my shoulder, my tail twiddled into my claw-like hands
"Sorry about that... Zane?"
Balto spoke before trailing off, my eyes wide with fear
"Zenix watch out!"
Random images came of Zenix being pinned to the ground crying for help as my monstrous teeth sank into his shoulder.
I could taste the blood entering my mouth but refused to release it, it treading down my throat like a deadly fire in search of destruction.
"Uh is he ok?"
I heard Zenix's voice ask within the images before being dragged back to reality to see my hands placed over my mouth, abandoning my tail.
A liquid trickled and swayed within it, the fear of it being Zenix's ruby blood taunted me to quickly swallow it and slowly remove my hands.
"Back to earth are we?"
Sky chuckled
He continued making me oddly confused
I asked before he pointed to my neck
How in the world am I supposed to see what your pointing a-
I placed a hand on my neck and traced it around only to wince in pain.
"564 what do you mea-?"
"Hi Zane"
"I think I'm gonna throw up"
"I'm sorry Zane"
My thoughts went wild
Why would Aph have an electric shock collar?
My body couldn't take it any more.
Everything was coming to fast, my mind wasn't comprehending the situations of my past and I just wanted to quit.
I can't take it.
I can't take it!
I leaped past Ross and dashed around a corner, letting myself run wherever my mind wished without hesitation.
"Zane wait!"
A voice yelled.
I ignored it, I was determined to get away, to a safe spot, a place of refuge anything to clear my mind
Wait what did I do now?
Nothing but where are we going?
I don't know cos you don't know and you don't know cos Zane doesn't know... wait why don't you know again?
Are you asking me or him?
I don't know what I'm doing to be honest
Hold up where's my pet gone?
Didn't it try to eat us before or was that just me?
Just you, it can't eat me
Thanks I guess
I leaped over a nearby fence only to tumble into a pile of stinging thorns.
Oddly enough it felt like the only place of safety or was that just a thorn?
I brought my feet up to my chest, my aching chest ached, screamed and even begged for a cure to the pain.
But none was to be found.
Balto's voice yelled as my body violently shook with fear
"I'm not a monster,
I'm not a monster,
I'm not a monster"
I whined to myself, resting my arms around my stinging legs.
Well your not but i am within you
Z will you please shut up!
I have the right to speak!
Doesn't mean you should!
I placed a hand on my forehead as the voices continued to argue within it.
What's wrong with you, why are you acting like this?!
Because-Because your being so DIFFICULT!
...Wait a second
Oh So youR JUSt figURIng IT out, You reALLY ARE a pathetic MONSTER!
You WHERE righT, we DOn't need ANE

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