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"Don't you ever make a joke like that again."He whispered softly.

A small gasp came out from my mouth.He then release the grip and walk away from me.I try to catch my breath.Finally I can breathe properly.what was that?it was so suffocating.

I held my chest....my heart feel like it gonna pop out.His voice..somehow makes my heart beating so hard.

I watch his step as he clean the table like nothing happend.My heart still beating hard.I close my eyes.
Y/n get a grip of yourself!

After I calm myself down I move to the outside.I start pick up the rubbish and act like usual.

And that night Taehyung and I didn't even talk to each other.

In a room...

"Hyung don't you think there is something wrong with Y/n?"Jimin asked.
The rest just nodded agreeing with Jimin.

" yeah..y/n seem strange.Why would she ask that question?"Jungkook commented.

"Maybe it's just a random question?You know like a joke?" Namjoon gave his opinion.

"But it was so..random.I don't know about anyone else but for me,I will never ask that kind of question as a joke.Y/n looks serious though when she ask that question.But y/n is just like our sister already..Arhhh I don't know everything just seem weird.I can't even think anymore"Jhope frustrated

"It is confusing. But I really don't wanna accuse Y/N anything.Maybe it was just a joke." Suga said doesn't want to make any assumption.

"But I noticed something about her eyes when she ask that question.It seem like an eyes full of grudge.But I'm not so sure.Maybe it just my imagination." Everyone shook at Jin's explanation.

"You guys don't think that Y/N might be holding grudge to Taehyung right?" Jimin guess.Everyone become silent for a while probably thinking the truth behind Jimin's words.After a few minutes they sigh.

"Hmm let's sleep for now.I will ask the company for Y/n profile tomorrow.Remember guys just act like usual around Y/N because we don't know for sure yet." Namjoon said and the other just nodded.

So they went back to their own room.But none of them can even sleep a wink.

"Mr Kim wait"Mr Kim turn and see Namjoon behind him.

" Yeah Namjoon what's wrong?"Mr Kim smile.

"Mr Kim,you hold the profile of Y/N right?Can I see it?"

"Oh yeah..sure but for what?"

"Er..nothing.I just wanna get to know more about Y/N."Namjoon create a smile.

"Okay..here." Mr Kim handed the profile to Namjoon.

"Thank you Mr Kim.I will go now." Namjoon bow then he walk away from Mr Kim.Mr Kim stare at Namjoon's back suspiciously.'Why did they keep asking me for Y/N profile?'
Then he just shrugged and walk away.

'Yes I got it.'

Namjoon take a sit at the bench nearby.

He starts to observe the contents.

Date of birth:25 November 1995
Skill:Master the Black belt of Taekwando


Doesn't have any siblings.
Lives alone after the parents died in a car accident last two years.

Namjoon's eyes bulged out as he read about Y/N parents.He suddenly feel slightly uneasy.'last two year'

"It is the same as Taehyung's accident." He said slowly.

'No way....'

He then continue to read.

Date of death:18 January 2014.

The resume slip from Namjoon's hand.

'Wh-a-t?'Namjoon feel like the world is just stop spinning right now.His heart too feel like it just stopping from beating.

Panic started to engulf Namjoon.

"Oh no no this couldn't be..."He said slowly almost like crying.His hands are shaking hard.

"No!this couldn't be.It just a coincidence right?"he pulled his hair out of frustration.

He then close his eyes try to calm down.'you have to calm down Namjoon,calm down'

He took a deep breath and managed to calm himself.

" okay Namjoon in this situation you have to calm down and think straight. We don't for sure yet right?So just calm down.It's probably just a coincidence. "He motivated himself.

"Hyung!We are ready to practice." A voice makes him startled a bit.He turned and see Jimin waving at him.He force a smile.

"Yeah I'll be right there."For the last time he took a deep breathe.
'You could do it Namjoon.Don't act suspiciously.Hwaiting.'He said to himself.

" okay we will start practice now."The choreographer said.

"In one...two three four."The music start echoing the room and as usual Bangtan is practice hard.But after a few minutes..

"Namjoon you got the step wrong!"

"Opss I'm sorry."

"Namjoon you are too slow."


"Namjoon you are too fast."

"I will try again"

"Namjoon your steps doesn't match with the beat."

"I'm sorry again"

"Namjoon focus!"

"Wait stop!stop!stop the music!" The choreographer yelled and immediately the music stop.

"Namjoon are you okay?or did you not feel well?You got the step all wrong is there something that have been bothering you?" The choreographer asked.

"No..it just I.." Namjoon hesitated. He lowered his head not knowing what to say.

"Fine.Let's take a break guys.Let's wait until Namjoon feeling better.Namjoon make sure to take care of your health okay?And don't let other things bothering you.We don't have much time until the MAMA so we have to focus and practice as much as we have to." Namjoon nodded.

After the choreographer left,all the members start to concern about Namjoon.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure."

"Hey,tell us what's wrong?" Jin asked.

"Yeah what's wrong hyung?"

Namjoon looks at each of the member's face and he stop at Taehyung.He stare Taehyung for about 5 seconds with guilt.He bites his lips.He doesn't know what to do.
'should I tell them?'

He sat down on the floor.He flustered.

"I....I don't know how tell you guys about this..it is about Y/N."

"Huh?what about me?"Suddenly I appeared and their eyes all glued on me.They look like as they saw a ghost especially Namjoon.

To be continue..

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