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"Who's that?" I whisper.

Narrowing my eyes,I eyeing every little things in the living room.

It's hard to be seen since it's dark.But i guess there's nothing weird happend.The television and the table are still in their position.

I shrugged.

Well maybe it's cat?

"Yah!I told you to be careful."

Huh?I heard someone whispering.

Did I heard it wrong?

It came from the kitchen.Should I go look for the voice?

The voice seem familiar tho.

I took a step towards the kitchen.

Err..it's too scary.It's dark.

Should I go or not?

I stare at the kitchen for a while hesitating to go or not.


It's so gloomy.

No,no,no I will not go.

Im not that brave.

If the sound came from a person i will not be scared but if it came from something else...errrr..no way!

Just thought about it give me chills.

I shook my head for a few times.

But the voice seem like Jin's.


Maybe Im just hallucinating since im alone.

I went back to the coach.Trying to calm myself down,I took my phone out and plugged in my earphone.

I lie down again,resting my hand on my forehead while humming to the song.

Suddenly I felt the light shining from the top.I blinked my eyes.

"Huh?the power has come back?"

" saeng il chuk ha ham ni da
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da
sarang ha neun -- (Y/N) shi
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da"

The bangtan's boys suddenly just pop out from the kitchen while singing and holding a birthday cake.

"Happy birthday y/n" they all cheered while clapping their hands.I was so shocked.I stunned at my place.I didn't know what to do.

Is it real?

Or am I dreaming right now?

I rose my hand and slap my face.

Aww..it's hurt.

So it's real!


I...I didn't expect they will suprised me like this and and..how they knew about my birthday?

I can't believe this..

Without realizing the tears start streaming down my face.

'Eh I..I cry?' I touched my face and I was not mistaken it was a real tears.I quickly wiped the tears away before they couldn't noticed it.I was so touched  and happy at the same time.They knew about my birthday.I couldn't hide my happiness more.I smiled brightly..

I thought that I didn't like my birthday but actually I miss this kind of moment.

"Y/n ppali blow the candles now." They quickly surrounding in front of me.Jin who's holding the cake,brought the cake closer to my face.As soon as I blown out the candles they all hollered.

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