"Furihata?" Akashi said.

Furihata flinch and turned and saw Akashi standing at the door. He scream making him fall.

Akashi quickly ran toward him and they both fell on the floor.

"Ouch...." Furihata rub his head.

He felt something soft underneath him he looked down and his eyes widen.

"A-Akashi! I'm sorry!!!" He backed away from Akashi.

"No, I'm fine." Akashi got up and wipe away the dust.

"Um why are you here." Furihata asked.

"Ah that's right Kuroko told me you needed this." Akashi handed him the envelope.

"Thank you." Furihata Said.

"It's fine" Akashi Said.

From that day on Akashi started to see Furihata more and more.

"Akashi where have you been going lately." Kuroko asked one day.

"No where really. Just doing work." Akashi Said.

"I see. Then have a nice day. Come back home quick." Kuroko kissed his cheek.

"Yeah." Akashi didn't make any expression and walked away.

Kuroko thought it was weird because Akashi would always kissed him back now...

Akashi and Furihata were inside the flower shop.

"A-Akashi this is wrong...we shouldn't be doing this no more." Furihata was shoved at the wall.

"Why...you love me right. Then I love you too." Akashi lean their forehead together.

"What about Kuroko...if he find out..." Furihata shook.

Akashi pulled him into a hug.

"You mean Tetsuya...it will be fine...for some reason i can't feel Kuroko love anymore. He's been hanging out with Aomine and Kagami a lot lately." Akashi tighten his hug on Furihata.

Furihata held Akashi cheeks.

"Then I'll love you." Furihata Said.

They lean tword each other and kissed.

Suddenly the door open and there stood Midorima and Takao. Both their eyes widen at the sight.

Akashi and Furihata Quickly separate.

"Akashi What is the meaning of this?" Midorima push up His glasses angry.

"T-this!" Furihata tried to explain.

"Shut up you slut." Takao glared at him.

Furihata eyes felt pain when Takao said those words.

"I can't believe one of Kuroko trusted friend is having an affair with his boyfriend. What will happen if I tell him." Midorima said.

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