Change chapter 6

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"Kuroko I have a new job for you." Uncle said.

Kuroko was sitting down across from uncle desk. His secretary was next to him. There was a stack of paper on his desk.

"What is it." Kuroko said.

"You and Mayuzumi will be coming with me to to meet a friend of mine in Nagaski at a meeting." Uncle said.

"What for." Kuroko said.

"We're going to sell this new type of drug and we're going to sell them to people who have lots of money. I need you two to guard me if anyone dares inturput our meeting." He said.

"I understand then I'll be going now." Kuroko stood up and walk to the the door. Just as he was about to grab the door knob.

"Kuroko, we leave this Saturday don't be late." He said.

"Yeah." Kuroko didn't look back he open the door and left.

After Kuroko left his secretary looked at him.

"Are you sure we can trust him." His secretary said.

"Yeah, we can because right now he have no where to go he's a lost shadow who can't return no more. Even if he does betray me I'll take care of him when that happens." Uncle smiled.


Kuroko walked in silent footsteps down to hallway towards his room. He enter his room to find Mayuzumi reading on one of the couch in room reading.

"Welcome back Kuroko. What did boss need." Mayuzumi asked.

"We're going to  be meeting one of his friend in Nagasaki on Saturday." Kuroko said. He walked over to his wardrobe and put on regular clothes quickly. He put on a black hoodie and blue jeans. He walked to the door.

"Kuroko where are you going?" Mayuzumi said. Kuroko didn't turn around.

"Nothing. Im just going out for a bit." Kuroko said.

"I'll come with you also." Mayuzumi said.

"Don't follow me." Kuroko silence him. He open the door and left.

Mayuzumi stood there in the room alone quietly. He looked out the window and watch as Kuroko exit the Mansion and dissappear. He took out his phone and dial a number. He waited until someone answer.

"Hello." Someone answer over the line.

"Yeah about this Saturday...." 


Kuroko P.O.V

After I told Mayuzumi to stay in went into town walking around in the neighbor when i saw Maji down the street I walked toward Maji. I enter, it felt nostalgic when Seirin and all of us came here celebrating Koganei birthday. I went to the cashier.

"What would you like sir?"  The cashier asked.

"One size medium vanilla milkshake please." Kuroko said not looking up.

"Okay, one zsize medium vanilla milkshake coming up." The cashier smiled.

After I paid her and grab my milkshake I sat down at the fartest corner of the room. Hoping no one would see me. I sip my vanilla milkshake. I smiled.

"It's still the same." I said.

The door bell hanging on the door ring.

"Hello everyone!" Someone happily shouted. I froze at the voice.

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