Change chapter 14

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Kuroko was in a really dark place he looked around and saw nothing but completely darkness. Then he turned around and saw him.

"Akashi." Kuroko said.

Standing there was Akashi in a white shirt and black pants. Akashi was smiling then he walked away from Kuroko.

"Wait...wait Akashi!" Kuroko shouted. He start to run after him but he couldn't move like vines were wrapped around his legs.

Akashi back was starting to disappear smaller and smaller.

"Don't go Akashi!" Kuroko stretch out his arms to Akashi.

Kuroko was woken up with a unfamiliar room. Tears were flowing down his face.

He held his forehead a headache comming from his head. He looked around and saw that he was in a big bedroom with color of green.

"Where am I?" Kuroko looked around.

"Did you sleep well princess." Someone said. Kuroko turned to the door and saw Hanamiya standing by the doorway.

"Why am I here? Or where am I?" Kuroko looked around.

"Do you not remember Onikimura and my deal. I get you for one week. And right now your in my room. Yesterday you did a good job." Hanamiya said.

"Yesterday..." Kuroko eyes widen.

"I know. But I just couldn't leave you alone because I love you..." Akashi eyes started to close. His hand fell to the side.

"Akashi..." Kuroko called out. No answer.

"Akashi..." Kuroko called out again. Again no answer.

"Sei...." Kuroko called Akashi. Kuroko felt Akashi body was turning cold. Kuroko eyes widen.

"No! No! You can't die! You can't die!" Kuroko panic. He tried to shake Akashi but Akashi wasn't moving.

"No! No! No!" Kuroko shouted.

"I must go back." Kuroko hands shook. He stood up and was about to leave but Hanamiya grabbed his wrist.

"No, you shouldn't do that. Your staying with me whether you like it or not. Because if you leave this place the deal I made with Onikimura will be off. And you know how scary Onikimura will be if I told him." Hanamiya smirk.

He grabbed Kuroko chin and face came near Kuroko.

"Do you want that?" Hanamiya said. Kuroko clench his fist tight.

"...I understand...I'll stay here." Kuroko slapped his hands away. He got out of the room into the hallways.

"Ara boss you made him angry. He might kill you, you know." A man with purple hair coving his eyes said. Chewing bubble gum.

"He can't kill me. Because I can read all his moves. It'll be fun to break him. Beside That the Phantom is interesting. I can't wait to taste him soon." Hanamiya smiled to himself evily.

Kuroko was pissed off and angry at everything. He didn't know where he was going or walking and not paying attention that he bump into someone.

"Owow..." a man with brown hair rubbed his head.

"Sorry." Kuroko said. Kuroko also rubbed his head and looked up and saw a man with brown hair and dark eyes and he looked taller than Kagami.

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