Chapter 24- Just Getting Started

Start from the beginning

I glance over his shoulder to look at the cloudy grey sky that seem to fit the mood around here, uneasiness.

CRACK!, we heard from the other side of the large clearing. I sniffed the air to smell my old pack advancing our way. Everyone around me started filing into place. Daniel and I stood side by side at the head of the pack with Ash a step behind us and everyone else fanned out on the sides of the clearing.

The butterflies in my stomach were now going crazy but I made sure to mask my nerves from everyone including Daniel. I know I especially can't show my nervousness to Jay or he'll use it against me.

Finally Jay and his pack emerged from the opposite side of the dense woods. He of course lead the way through the trees with his beta, Drew, a step behind him holding on tightly to Sara who had her hands twisted behind her back. I knew as soon as Ash saw this because he made no intention to masking his ferocious growl that echo in the clearing. Sara seemed fine with no obvious cuts or bruises on her but her face was one of clear need.

Jay spoke first, "Happy birthday Lilian."

Why am I not surprised. He has been the only one to say something about my birthday since I commanded no one else to even mention it.

Still carefully watching Jay I let my eyes roam his pack that now stood 100 feet opposite of us. I let out my own growl when I didn't find who I was looking for. Jay took notice of this and a grin creep along his face. "Troubles little sister?"

I meet his ice blue eyes and gritted my teeth. "Where is she?"

He sighed, "Always worried about the children. How is Mikey?" I let out another growl. How dare he talk about Mikey as if he loved him.

Before I could reply I saw Mikey step forward and broke his rank. His body was tense as he spoke, "I'm fine, now I believe she asked you a question."

Jay's eyes opened in shock and I knew exactly why. "Wow Mikel did you hit a growth spirt?"

Mikey just ignored him and fell back into rank. Trying to rid of my frustration I took a deep breath and reminded myself that everything was going to be okay.

Finally Jay got back to business as he called his 3 minions who stood on each side of Rosie. At first I was curious as to why that didn't have a hold on her but I now remember so can take away peoples energy just like I can. Jay turned back to me, "Now lets gets started."

Daniel spoke up before I had the chance to. "Send over the girls." he demanded.

Jay's face dropped to a deep scowl when Daniel spoke. I'm guessing he doesn't like Daniel very much. Ignoring Daniel, Jay turned back to me, "So it's true that my little sister is now a Luna."

"Yes now get on with it already." I snapped.

"Fine." he spat out as he turned to Drew. "Let her go."

Drew released Sara's hands and without hesitation she ran across the clearing and right into Ash's arms. I didn't even glance at her as she ran by. My eyes were soully focused on Rosie. She stood a step behind Jay. Her face was unreadable as she stood tall with her chin held high. Rosie's eyes connected to mine and instantly she started to shake her head no at me.

"Both of them!" Daniel boomed from my side.

"That's not part of the deal." Jay replyed sternly.

"We made no deal." Daniel pointed out.

"You didn't but she did." he announced as he pointed at me.

Daniel slowly turned to me and I saw and felt all the confusion and betrayal float through me. "Lily, what did you do?" he asked horrified.

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