Happy Dances

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Chapter 14

Happy Dances

I let my lips soften onto his, letting go of the harshness. I stood on my tiptoes and let my hands slide over from both sides to his face to his neck. I felt everything melt away around me, all I felt was his touch, taste and smell. He was shocked, still processing what had happened. Then he kissed me back tenderly. It was amazing.

Trembling hands touch skin, rain pours down. My hair stuck to my forehead from the wet and the tears roll down my face. His eyelashes tickled my cheek bones as we pulled each other closer. I had missed his touch, his presence, just everything about him.

Each second was better than the first, and I savoured every moment. Our second kiss topped the first by a mile.

We pulled away softly. My eyes were gently closed. Our foreheads rested together, breathing in silent jagged breaths.

It was that perfectly chilche moment.

I watched his perfect eyelashes flutter, and his bright green orbs were full of questions, confusion, happiness, and nervousness.

Nobody said anything. Each of us marveling in this perfect moment, rain drops rolled off his face.

"Hello again." He wispered, running his hand down the back of my head. I smiled, and leaned my head against his chest.

"I've missed you."


"Brr..." I said as I turned the dial up to heat. Warm air instantly flowed through the vents of the big truck. I sighed in relief as I hugged my wet bare arms close to my chest.

"Here, you take my hoodie." Evan said noticing my still trembling body, as he removed his black jacket then his grey hoodie. "I would offer you my jacket but... I don't think it would be much help." He said, as he motioned to the soaked jacket.

I greedily grabbed the sweater, and pulled it over my head. I felt immediatly warmer just inhaling his beautiful scent.

"Thank you." I said genuinly, "And not just for your sweater. How'd you find me? I mean, I've been ignoring you and all..."

He gave a small smile. "Yeah, I know. I've been trying to reach you. I remebered you telling me about your Prom, and Mark knew a Hotel that had been setting up for a Prom. I just had to hope that you'd be there." He finished, with questions rimming his eyes.

"You must have so many questions..." I said softly. I looked out the window, through the pouring rain. We were parked off to the side around some trees in Evan's apartement parking lot.

Evan nodded, his beautiful green eyes were shinning with anticpation.

"...What happened in there?" He asked quietly, looking directly into my eyes, his hand brushing my cheek softly.

I gulped, and tilted my head up. Trying to keep the tears from spilling over the rim.

"Shhh... It's okay." He said, and pulled me into his chest for confort. I smiled, I had always hated it when people told me not to cry. Thankfully, Evan didn't.

"I loved him." I sniffed into his damp t-shirt. "But... I couldn't do it." I said as my voice cracked at the end.

I closed my eyes. A tear gently escaped, Evan rubbed my back soothingly. Even though I spoke quietly with a trembling voice, I knew Evan heard everyword.

"Am I a coward? Stupid? I thought I loved him, I thought so. But then, that STUPID KISS had to happen! Then everything changed! WHY COULDN'T EVERYTHING JUST STAY HOW IT WAS!?!" I wailed into his chest. I continued to spill my heart out to him though, once I started I could'nt stop.

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