Issue #14...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Start from the beginning

          I held my breath as I listened to what else he had to say…understanding its importance.

          “The Vicinity tried to hold its power inside a single individual. They tried to hold it inside you… Entrez.”

          “What!? They didn’t. You’re making this up as you go you stupid fox!” I said rejecting the idea, and trying to reject the fact that I was a blue eyes, white wolf.

          Roran frowned, obviously he hadn't taken a liking to his nickname. “No I’m not. Explain how you’re eyes are blue. Shape-shifter’s eyes, Flyer’s eyes, Travelers eyes are all yellow, green or red. Not purple, not brown, not blue, and not even orange, Entrez.”

          “How did it work—were they able to hold the energy inside me?” I asked and he took in a deep breath before he spoke.

          “Yes, they were able to, but the energy was so powerful in the end they broke it off—eventually into cards and a bracelet. Unite these things—you’ll have the greatest chance of actually winning. You’ll be Shadow’s equal to duel—then let the better wolf win.”

          “Is that all you have to tell me?”

          “Afraid so—it’s all I know…” He said calmly and looked at my weary figure.

          “Listen—you look like you could use some rest—come to my place and I’ll have a couch ready for you until you are ready to leave.”

          “I accept, if you plan to kill me in my sleep—I warn you I am a very light sleeper.” I lied.

          He took me to his place. I was able to manage dozing off for a while and then I fell into a deep sleep.

It was so hard to think…there was a portal. I never even thought I had a chance of getting home—staying here seemed so…natural. It seemed to suit my lifestyle for the moment. I never considered it was possible…figuring there was a way in—but no way out… Trapped like a rose between two thorns—on one side there is my regular life that was nice in its own way—but now it seemed so ridged—so plain. On the other side was this world…with Shadow Realms—which seemed very concerning considering my duel with the Leader Shadow—was going to be linked to the realm that could probably kill me. The middle was the rose…it could be both sweet and bitter—thus it held my future that was both brutal and too beautiful to be true. 

          In the end my thoughts became faded and I dreamt of wolves, Roran’s eyes glimmering yellow in the shadows and the sound of a cell phone ringing…

          The phone continued to ring. I growled to the sound of someone flicking on a lamp and I heard shuffling around the room. In distress I sat up and flicked my eyes open just to see Roran turn away from me, his stressed eyes glinting yellow in the lamplight.

          I couldn’t help but feel bad for Roran—all he had done was for his sister. He never wanted to turn into the man he was today—but he had to commit to it if it made his sister safe. Now he had a taste for revenge—but what worried me was if I couldn’t commit to his expectations.

          He stopped on the other side of the room—trying not to wake me up but the deed was done—and picked it up, “Hello,” The other line began talking so fast that I couldn’t even hear it all. I could sense the tension build in all of Roran’s sense’s as he had an angry fire build in him—he acted as he was ready to scream.

         “What!? They were waiting until later tonight!” He snarled in frustration, his eyes gleaming a haunting yellow. His eyes flicked to mine as mine became an icy blue tornado when I understood what he was saying.

          “What is it?” I snapped—even though I knew the disturbing truth. Roran held his finger over the speaker to block out my shouting.

          “They’re going after him—right now! They changed plans because Kaiba has been wandering out onto the roof all day! If they can get him they will!” I growled in frustration my body quickly shape-shifted to wolf form.

He quickly slapped his phone shut, staring at me desperately, “I’m sorry Entrez—I didn’t know.”

I could not explain why, but I felt it was my fault Seto was out on the roof. I had just been up there the other day, or maybe it was he was going out there to think, probably blaming himself for me being “dead.”

Not only were the three Blue Eyes White Dragon cards in his deck that I needed to win the war, but they were going to kill him! At any rate I was well beyond the point of annoyance.

         I snarled and burst out of Roran’s door that toppled to the ground as its hinges broke. I escaped from the house and dashed across the road.

          Cars honking and beeping—I swerved to dodge them as I lunged onto the other side of the road.

          I ran to Kaiba Corp; everyone’s lives were depending on it. I heard Roran shout at me to come back. Like Roran was going to stop me from moving any faster to get to Seto. I kept running each agonizing step—taking me closer to him.

          I had a brand new attitude—it was of pure rage. I lunged into the Kaiba Corp sliding doors, shattering them as I burst through the glass. I didn’t even flinch as I felt the glass dig into my paws. Nothing hurt—I felt like I could jump off the roof without a bruise.


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