you're like a piece of art (you need to be nailed against a wall)

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Camila doesn't know what she's looking at exactly. Actually, she does know what she's looking at, she just doesn't understand the big deal. Like, it's a bunch of colorful squares and rectangles? She thinks she's absolutely capable of painting that, and she doesn't even consider herself an artist, so yeah, pay her whatever they're paying these "abstract" artists. Whatever that means.

God, she feels uncultured as fuck, she thinks as she takes a sip of her third(?) glass of champagne.

Camila's spending her Friday night in a too-tight red dress at the Museum of Modern Art in New York instead of catching up on sleep like she had planned. The museum is holding an exclusive exhibit for the weekend that features several works from known artists around the world. Not that Camila actually knows any of them.

Dinah, her best friend since coming out of the womb, had scored passes for the event from the sister-in-law of her cousin's best friend's girlfriend? Camila lost track after sister-in-law to be honest. Dinah knows way too many people, and she's related to like half of California, so who knows?

Anyway, Dinah had gotten these passes and had planned to surprise her ex-boyfriend, who is the broody, artist, mysterious, lying, cheating, S.O.B. type apparently. After finding her ex in a very compromising position with some wench in their previously shared apartment, Dinah had immediately broken it off and proceeded to get over him by getting under as many people as she could, until she got over that too, and now she's sort of just wallowing in self-pity.

So, Camila, because she's the greatest best friend in the world, naturally, offered to go with her to the stupid exhibit anyway in hopes of cheering up her best friend, and maybe you'll even get lucky with some hot-shot artist who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars painting blobs, Dinah!

Well, now she's kind of regretting her decision. She loves Dinah, she really does, but is everyone who attends exhibits just naturally broody and boring or does she just have to widen her perspective?


Lauren is in heaven. She thinks this must be where starving artists lay their brushes down and go to die. She's surrounded by incredible pieces that range from hundreds of years old to decades to within the last few years. There are pieces from your classic Van Gogh and Warhol, to newer pieces by Philippe Parreno, and her personal favorite, Weiwei. She's convinced she'd actually died and gone to artist paradise.

She'd gotten a hold of a pass for this exclusive exhibit from Normani, her best friend, and who, by the way, was already Lauren's favorite person in the world before she'd given her the pass, but now undoubtedly and solely owns the green-eyed girl's heart.

And because the universe is being extra kind today, the exhibit just so happens to have Piet Mondrian's Tableau I on loan from Museum Ludwig in Germany.

Lauren is absolutely ecstatic. She's been having kind of an artist's block lately and there's nothing like one of the greatest pieces in abstract history to inspire her. Mondrian's Tableau I is a math-based geometric perfection that brings colors and lines and absolute arithmetic precision to life and Lauren can't wait to see it in person.

She's majoring in architecture [A/N: sorry I keep writing Lauren as an architect/aspiring architect lol] though if things were up to her, she would have majored in fine arts with a focus on painting and drawing. She's a great painter and she's not too bad at digital design either, but her passion lies in drawing. Give her a pencil and anything can be her sketchpad.

She's studying architecture because it incorporates her love for design and drawing and you need to major in something realistic, Lauren. There's a reason they're called "starving" artists. Do you really want to starve your future husband and kids?

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