It Wasn't Supposed To Be You

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"You what?!!" I turn to see Bella and Edward walking through the door. I've never seen a shocked vampire before but now I have.

"I imprinted on a vampire. A cold one. My enemy." I hold my head in my hands and feel a few tears running down my face.

But then the door flies open, revealing a shocked Alice.

"Maverick." She flashes over to me, sitting beside me on the floor and rubbing my back.

"I seen it, and came as fast as I could." Edward sits down in a chair beside us, Bella with him and Jacob sits on the floor in front of me.

"Are you sure you im-imprinted? I mean... couldn't it be a mistake." His comment makes me snap and I bare my teeth at him, my eyes flashing a bright blue.

"Its not a mistake, Jake." He backs up a little and I hold my head in my hands again.

"Come on, let's get you back to our house." Alice pulls me up, and everyone but Bella and Jacob follow us out.

"Don't forget the counsel meeting tonight, Mav." I curse myself and turn to Jacob.

"Find a reason to get me out of it. I'm not coming." He tries to object but I walk out, getting in Alice's car and riding off with her.


I spent the night with Alice, she calmed me down and we talked. Rosalie moved out of the Cullen house last night, Alice told me that Emmett got tired of fighting and she left.

Some part of me couldn't help feeling like this was my fault, if I wouldn't have been in the woods with the pack that day, he never would've saw me and we never would've gotten close.

The door to Alice's room opens, revealing Jasper and Alice.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty. Time to train." She has a smile spread across her face, like always.

"Do I have to?" I groan and wipe the sleep away from my eyes, while turning on the bed and letting my feet hit the floor.

"Yes, of course you do! If were going to battle new borns you have to."

"I guess."

We all walk out and down to the kitchen, I open the fridge and its stock full with delicious looking food.

"Man I'm starving." I grab a beer and a couple packs of sandwich meat, making myself 4 sandwiches and grabbing a bag of chips, sitting down at the counter.

As I eat, and drink my beer everyone looks at me.


"You were asleep for three days." When Esme's words meet my ears, I almost spit out my food.

"What?! Three days?"

Emmett laughs and smacks my shoulder, making me go tense.

"Yeah, you missed out on a lot. Bella punched Jacob, broke her hand. Victoria is making an army of newborn vampires, and Rosalie left us." When he says the last part, his enthusiasm fades a little, but before I know it he's radiating happiness again.

"So now were going to train, and Jasper is going to help us with that." Carlisle tells me. Jacob walks into the room, shocked from seeing me.

"The pack is in too. Sam agreed to it. They'll never see us coming." I nod and stand up, shoving my last sandwich into my mouth and guzzling down the last of my beer.

"Let's get to it then."

We all walk outside, Emmett close behind Jasper.

" The two most important things to remember are first, never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett!"

Sentinel {Emmett Cullen} {Book 1}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon