Section 2

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The End.

Naruto's Pov:

It's been 7 years since Sasuke and I's time in college together. We had to go separate ways once we finished our basic classes. He wanted to study to become a neurologist and I wanted to be an oncologist.

That doesn't mean we're not close anymore. We had been visiting each other on breaks and video calling of course, but being away from each other put a strain on our relationship. We decided to break it off until we were able to be together again, which was mutual.

Sakura offered to murder him for me because I was miserable for months, but I pleaded with her not to. After all, wasn't I the one that had suggested such a crazy idea. Now it's killing me even more, but not for long.

We got a job at the same hospital, and we're starting on the floor today. Crazy, right.

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