Chapter 21- Part 2

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Naruto's POV

Once we got to the festival, I gladly hopped out of the car at the chance to stretch my limbs. Sasuke closed the car doors and locked them with his keys.

"Alright stay close to me." I smiled and grabbed his hand. I couldn't see his face, but he tightened his grip softy; as if I'd disappear if he was to let go. How could I have gotten this lucky?

"So where do you wanna go first haunted house, games, orrr food." I looked down at my stomach and poked it.

"Alright well I'm not really that hungry right now, so I think food should wait." Sasuke nodded his head and looked over to the game tents.

"Well the haunted house is a closer walk than the games so lefts go there first." I nervously smiled and walked behind him.

"Ya know, it's kinda amazing how all of this is stretched out into one big thing." Sasuke cocked an eyebrow as he continued to pull my hand, so I wouldn't fall behind.

"What do you mean." I shrugged my shoulders and pointed to all the stands and tents.

"Everyone must have worked really hard for the festival to be this long. We're gonna be really tired later tonight." Sasuke nodded his head.

"Yes that is true but I feel that it will be worth it." I felt my face get warm and my heart newer felt more fuller.
| time skip

All throughout the haunted house, I clang to Sasuke the whole time. All except for the parts where we had to run from the "killer". When those parts came up I took off running and never looked back.

"What happened to staying together dobe." Sasuke smiled playfully, making me cross my arms.

"It was every man for himself."  Sasuke smirked and leaned in closely to my ear.

"I'll remember that when you're begging and pleading. Little Naruto said, 'Every man for himself,' right." He leaned away from my ear and began walking towards the thousand upon thousands of activity booths with a smug look on his face. I just stood there with my face and ears burning to a crisp.

"Come on dobe don't fall behind." I shook my head and ran to catch up with Sasuke.

"Stupid teme." He slightly laughed as he came to a stop at one of the booths. I stopped as well, and looked around.

"Ring toss...?" He nodded his head and pointed to a large fox plushie that was hanging down from the top of the booth.

"That is going to be yours." I shrugged and watched as the vendor collected Sasuke's money.

"Alright all you have to do is make 3 out of 4 rings onto the bottles I have set up on this table, and the fox will be yours." The vendor smirked and leaned against the counter.

"And I'll even throw in a free ring in exchange for blondie's number." He winked over at me and I felt myself shiver at the dark aura Sasuke was giving off.

"That won't be necessary." He darkly smiled at him and turned his attention back towards the game, making every single ring onto the bottle.

"But how? This game was rigged from the start."  Sasuke shrugged his shoulders and took the fox from the man and handed it to me.

"Magicians never fell their secrets." The older man scoffed and took the rings off the bottle. I linked my arm with Sasuke's and began walking farther down the line of booths.
| Time Skip

By the time we reached the food booths, we had already collected a gold fish, several bags of both blue and pink Cotten candy, a variety of stuffed animals, and the main prize, my fox plushie that I somehow named Kurama. I looked over at Sasuke and saw that he was looking a bit over heated.

"Are you alright." He nodded and looked around. Finally spotting what he was looking for, he pointed to a grassy hillside facing all of the booths.

"Go ahead and sit over there. I'll grab the food and meet you over there. The firework show should be starting soon." I grabbed all of the things Sasuke was carrying to the place he told me to sit.

"Man it feels good to finally get a break from all this walking." Sasuke sat down beside me and handed me a water and to-go cup filled with ramen.

"I'll say." I smiled at him and took the lid off of the cup.

"Man this sure is some fancy ramen." He laughed at looked at his own cup as he began poking it with his utensil.

"Either way, I am grateful. You know I never saw this coming. You and I...I mean. " He nodded his head and looked up at the sky.

"Yeah I get what you mean. We went from an 'I hate you' phase to a 'slightly bearable' phase to the present 'Boyfriend' phase." I smirked and leaned onto his arm.

"If you're asking me out Uchiha, I'll accept, gladly." He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me down into the grass with him.

"As a matter of fact, I am." I gave him a dorky smile in return as the fireworks began to light up the sky.

"This night I shall never forget." Sasuke intertwined his hand with mine.

"That makes two of us."

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