Chapter 10

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This is the third day I've been up without any sleep, but I cant really feel any of my tiredness at all, considering I've had about ten cups of coffee. Although, every now and then my eyes get a very painful burning sensation, and they start watering and sticking together when I blink.

Sasuke hasn't said a word to me the entire time; he just sits on his bed and continues reading that stupid book of his, not even sparing me a glance.

Not that I wanted him to look at me or anything. Just that I'd like that emotionless asshole to show at least a little compassion, but he cant because he's freaking HEARTLESS.

"Hey dobe , I'm going to the store to buy more food for our fridge. Do you want me to get anything for you?" Sasuke grabbed his jacket from the couch and his car keys off a small silver nail hanging from the wall by the door.

"Another container of coffee and creamer would be nice. I'm not going to sleep for a while." Sasuke stared at me for a moment before turning around to open the door.

"Alright." His voice was monotonous, not even the slightest hint of worry detected, but that's alright I'm just one day closer to proving him wrong.

I'm really glad our teachers decided to give us a few days to study at home because I'm going to need it, though I'm making good progress with my learning, I still want to do my very best on our first exams.

Thus, I'm studying my days and nights away like some education freak, but that will all pay off when I'm the top in my class one day. I might even pass Sasuke up, who knows?

As I was flipping through my text book, I felt my lower stomach muscles tighten and a sudden strike of pain below my belly button. It then occurred to me that, I needed to use the bathroom, bad.

I jumped up from my seat and rushed to the bathroom, still feeling the buzz of unused energy I got from the coffee.

Once I finished up and emptied my bladder, I decided it was best if I continued with my work, or so I thought until, I felt my head pound hard against my skull. So hard that I could feel it in my feet.

I stumbled across the floor but grabbed onto the corner of the wall, so I could regain my balance. This didn't help either because my vision only blurred as the room started to spin around me, making me sick to my stomach. I let go of the wall and held out both hands at my sides, as if I was a child going across a balance beam.

"Everything will be just fin-" I tried to reassure myself but my nausea got the best of me, causing me to stop in the middle of my sentence and slap my hand tightly over my mouth to help keep the gallons of coffee I consumed inside my body.  I finally decided to quit fighting my body's urge to sleep and fell victim to the darkness around me...


Sorry for a short chapter... I just wanted Naruto to have 10 even chapter to himself, so I kind of figured I'd have to end the last one with a short chapter. I'd also like to thank my loyal readers that have stayed with me throughout all my stories and watched as i progressed in my writing, even if it was just by a little. I'd also like to thank all my new readers and followers that are giving me support for my ongoing works!

Comment/Vote and thx for reading!!!


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