Chapter 18

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Naruto's Pov

Today is the day. The day I've been dreading since the start. Even though Sasuke helped me study, I can't help but to feel like I'm going to mess it up somehow.

"Alright get to your seats. Tests will be handed out shortly." I sighed and looked at Sasuke. He always seemed so calm, but of course he wouldn't be worrying over something like this. Sakura poked the side of my arm with her pencil to gain my attention.

"Don't worry you'll do just fine. All you have to do is list the right disease with the symptoms." She whispered quietly and gave me a big thumbs up as the professor laid down the papers in front of us. Easy right, wrong. There are tons of these things and some of them are almost exactly the same. I sighed and flipped my test over to begin.
"See that wasn't so hard." Sakura patted my shoulder as Sasuke looked down at me. I was still sitting at my desk laying my head into my arms in complete despair.

"Guys I'm telling you that I did horrible." I sat up and sighed. The other two still glancing down at me in annoyance.

"The professor is giving us time to socialize so quit moping around and talk to us." Sakura say on the edge of my desk and looked at me directly in the eyes.

"And besides, I know you'll do great. Right Sasuke." She looked over at Sasuke to see him crouched down onto his knees in a squatting position. His hands were on my desk to help support his bodyweight.

"Yeah." I poked his cheek with my finger, but slowly moved it back once I felt how hot his face was.

"Sasuke you're burning up!" I jumped up from my desk and placed my forehead to his.

"Like for real you need to go to a doctor!" He shook his head and tried to stand back up, but fell back down into the same position. I helped him up into my chair. He laid back and sighed.

"I'm fine. It's just really hot in here." I rolled my eyes and pointed to his side.

"Right and what's your excuse for the side pain." He laid his head down and closed his eyes.

"You're annoying." I gasped and looked over at Sakura. She just shrugged her shoulders and looked down at Sasuke.

"You know Sasuke-Kim maybe he's right. You do look a little pale." He opened one eye and pushed his hair out of his face.

"Are you dumb. That's how I normally look." Sakura's eye twitched as she stood up and stomped off.

"You know Sasuke maybe you should be so mean towards Sakura. We're just trying to look out for you." Sasuke sat up and stared at me with a bored expression.

"There's nothing to look out for I told you I'm fine." I slowly nodded my head slowly. Even if he says he's fine, I still need to be aware of anything that happens.

"Alright guys your scores are posted to classroom website, and class is dismissed when you get ready to leave." The professor cracked his knuckles and walked out of the classroom leaving the rest of us to look at your scores.
Sasuke took out his phone and logged into the site. I glanced over his shoulder, so I wouldn't have to take time to do it myself.

1.Sakura Haruno
2.Sasuke Uchiha
3. Naruto Uzumaki

The list continued on, but those were the only names I was interesting in. I jumped up and hugged Sasuke excitedly from behind.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou!" I let go and ran towards Sakura. She smiled and gave me a high five.

"See I told you so." I smiled and turned back around to see that Sasuke wasn't there anymore. I looked back to Sakura and she shook her head.

"Bathroom maybe." I nodded and took off into a sprint. I was still skeptical from earlier. When I got to the bathroom, I heard someone in the stalls throwing up. I felt my stomach twist as I opened the door and saw Sasuke laying his head on the toilet.

"Sasuke!" His hair was stuck to his face due to all the sweat and his eyes had dark circles under them.

"Sasuke please." His eyes were tightly shut and he was taking short breaths in.

"Oh god this isn't good. I'm calling 911. Just hang in there ok Sasuke. Don't you dare leave me." My mind was racing as I sat down and pulled Sasuke into my lap. All I could think about was losing him.
Two updates in a row. I'm very proud of myself tbh lmao. So Sasuke is sick or possibly dying who knows....cause cliff hanger.
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The Story of Us Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora