Chapter 6

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About a week after the big a fiasco with Sasuke, I found myself eating at a dinner with Sakura. Both of us trying to cram for upcoming tests. Sasuke left a few bruises on my face but nothing serious, or so I think.

"He really did a number on you." Sakura tried to stifle a laugh while practically shoving French fries down her throat.

"Yeah yeah, you should have seen him." I flipped a page in my text book and stole one of Sakura's fries.

"Stop boasting Naruto. I did see him and I'm guessing he was able to heal quickly if it was any comparison to yours." I rolled my eyes and flicked the salt on my fingers, that was left over from the fries, at her.

"You know Sakura you won't get very far with that SALTY attitude of yours." After I said that, Sakura thought it would be a good idea to hit the side of my, let me remind you, already bruised face with a heavy text book.

"Hardy har har, so funny. Get back to studying you asshole." I slammed my head down on the table and let out a much deserved sigh.

"But Sakura-Chan I don't understand it...tutor meeeee," Sakura giggle at my attempt to be a drama queen and pulled me up by my shirt collar.

"Naruto you know my learning style is different than yours. You'll never understand what I'm trying to teach you." She released my shirt once I was sitting up right in my seat again. My mind began to wonder who could actually tutor me, but I don't really know anyone in my classes except for Sasuke and Hinata.

Sasuke is really smart and it'd be convenient, but he hates me, and Hinata is also really smart, but there's no telling whether she's free or not. It doesn't hurt to ask though.

"Hey Sakura can you text Hinata and ask if she's free." Sakura looked over at me and spit out her drink she was currently sipping on.

"Hinata, Hinata Hyuga?" I nodded my head and grabbed a couple of napkins out of the dispenser to clean up the mess she made on my arm. Thanks for that.

"Isn't she a little I don't know...not your type."

"Uh not like that Sakura-Chan. I meant to tutor me, and even if she was my type why would it matter if I wanted to go out on a date with her?" She averted her eyes from me and took out her cell phone.

"Um no reason, but here's her number. You can call her if you want or text. I gotta go back to my dorm, so I can study. If you need anything text me. Alright? Alright bye." Without hesitation she slapped a twenty dollar bill on the table, to cover the expenses, along with, a piece of paper that had Hinata's number on it and rushed out the door that made a ding, once it was opened.

"That wasn't suspicious at all," my voice not even trying to contain the sarcasm behind it. I picked up the card and took out my phone from my back pocket, dialing Hinata's number, which to my surprise, she immediately answered.

"H-hello?" her voice was almost as soft as a whisper, but not quite there yet.

"Hey Hinata it's me Naruto. Sorry for calling unexpectedly." I laughed a bit into the phone, which was returned with a small laugh of her own.

"N-no not at all. Sakura actually told me she gave you my number."  I smiled, knowing Sakura would send her a text asking if it was fine.

"Yeah anyways I was wondering if you were free at the moment. I really really need help studying, but I understand if you're busy." There was a short pause.

"O-Oh no I'm free. I-I'd love to help you study. Should I come over to your dorm?" Her usually quite voice quickened and sounded more excited than shy.

"Um yeah sure I'll meet you there. Than you again." I could hear her take a deep breath in as she was practically blushing over the phone.

"No problem really." After she said that, she hung up, leaving me on the other end, I gathered up my things into my bag, so I could head home.

'This should be interesting'

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