Chapter 9

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"Naruto come on focus. You have to know this for your test." Sasuke threw his glasses down angrily on the table and ran his fingers frustratedly through his ungelled hair.

No one has ever seen his hair relaxed like this before; in a way, it makes me feel sorta special. Without gel, his hair is flopped down in his face resting loosly ontop of it., and if I'm being honest with myself, I couldn't deny that it was a good look for him.

"Naruto! For the ten thousandth time please focus!" I sighed and lied my pen down on top of my textbook. This was really hard for me. Although school had always been a challenge for me, my mom was there to help me every step of the way.

This caused my grades to go up, and I was honestly very grateful, considering she was the only one who knew how to tutor me, but this time I was on my own. She didn't know anything about being a doctor, so how was she suppose to help me this time?

For me, I have to learn things a specific and special way because of my disorder. That's right, I, Uzumaki Naruto, have a learning disorder called dyslexia, and trust me, it wasn't very fun. Sasuke doesn't need to know this though because I want to be able to learn like the rest of the students in my class. This time, I will learn, no matter what it takes.

"I'm sorry Sasuke...I promise I'll get the right answer this time," I gave him my usual bright smile, but he just gave me a worried look.

"Listen Naruto...I don't think you should become a doc-"

"What are you talking about.'

"I just don't think it's a good idea to keep continuing in this occupation when your going to fail anyways." He stared at me with no emotion in his eyes as usual, not even caring that he was hurting my feelings.

"You don't think I can do this!" at this point I didn't even mean to start shouting. I was upset and I didn't know how to handle it. Everyone has always encouraged me to do my best, and this is the first time this has ever happened to me.

"Honestly no."

"This is only my first day!" I stood up abruptly from the chair I was sitting in and caused it to fall over making a loud thud when it hit the floor.

"It doesn't matter because you cant even answer simple questions right! I'm sorry if the truth hurts!" This time instead of throwing his glasses, he slammed his fists on the table making a loud boom echo throughout our dorm. I jumped back at his sudden outburst as hot tears rolled down my face. Why was I crying now? It didn't bother me before when people said the truth to me.

So why did it hurt so much when Sasuke said something hurtful to me? Maybe it was because we were childhood friends.

"Cry babies don't get anywhere in life just so you know." I wiped my tears away only to have them replaced with a fresh set.

"Yeah I know. I'm going to prove you wrong asshole. Believe it!" This time my tears stopped for good now that I had a new found confidence. I'm going to study nonstop until I learn every piece of information I have to know. Even if that mean reading the whole textbook over and over and over again until I'm able to remember.


Time skip-Night

"I have to figure this out." I sighed and decided to fix myself a cup of coffee considering I wasn't going to sleep for a while that is. I got up from the table and walked over to the coffee maker, pouring in water and three scoops of coffee grind.

It didn't really smell that strong considering it was medium roast; to me, it was almost the most amazing smell on Earth. I've decided to save a spot for the first best smelling thing for something else, although I haven't quite figured it out what it is yet.

Once the coffee maker beeped, I grabbed a mug from the cabinets and poured in the essentials: creamer, sugar, and milk. I practically poured the whole bag of sugar in the mug because I don't like bitter tasting coffee. Sasuke does though; he drinks straight up black coffee.

No creamer or anything! Can you believe it? I crinkled up my nose just thinking about it while I walked back to the table, so I could sit my cup down and continue studying.

Tonight is going to be a long night.


A/N~ Ok so the last chapter I wrote, I wasn't very happy with, so I changed it. You're free to go back and reread chapter 8, although nothing drastic was made to the story. It will not change the main parts of the story line. I'm adding a short summary of chapter 8 if you do not want to reread all of chapter 8 again.

Summary chapter 8- Basically I took out the whole argument scene and the parts were sasuke was stripping in front of Hinata and Naruto. Sasuke just chased her away and is now accepting twenty dollars a week from Naruto as payment for helping him study.

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