Chapter 8

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Once I arrived at my dorm, I saw Hinata standing outside the door as the cold wind blew through her long, silky, black hair. I stopped in my place and watched she rubbed her arms with her frozen pale hands before I ran up to her,worried for her health.

"Hinata what are you doing! You know the seasons are changing!" I quickly took off my jacket and wrapped it around her arms. Her face was tinted with a rosy pink color that only seemed to intensify as she stared at me.

"Ah, I'm sorry Naruto-kun. I wanted to wait for you here, so I could tutor you." I frowned and put my hands on her face to warm her frozen cheeks; she averted her eyes to the ground and stared blankly at the pavement as her face warmed rather quickly.

"Yeah I know,but you could have went inside. Sasuke's here so he would have let you in." She shook her head and raised her eyes to look at me again; her lavender eyes still refused to make eye contact with mine as she spoke almost as soft as a whisper. 

"I-I'm afraid he doesn't like me very m-much," she frowned before continuing," I did knock on the door like you suggested, but instead of letting me in he slammed the door in my face as soon as he saw me."

"Oh did he now." I dropped my hands from her face and marched over to the door, kicking it with my foot repeatedly.

"OI Sasuke open the damn door!" I continued to beat loudly on the door with my foot, while Hinata tried to grab my arm from behind to stop me.

"U-Um Naruto-k-kun maybe you should k-knock on the door proper-"

"What the fuck Naruto." Sasuke slammed the door open harshly which caused the door to hit the brick wall it was attached to.

"Why didn't you let her in! She could have caught a cold!" Sasuke shrugged his shoulders and leaned against the door frame.

"Sounds like a you problem. Besides, she could have went home if she wanted to." Sasuke glared at Hinata and then looked back over to me, keeping the scowl on his face.

"You don't have to be an asshole about it. What if someone left out outside in, may I remind, freezing cold temperatures!" Sasuke stopped leaning against the door and practically jabbed his finger in my chest.

"Like I said, not my problem. This is my dorm too, so I also have a say in who is allowed to come over and who isn't,and this piece of trash isn't coming in." he removed his finger and stepped back inside the dorm, leaving me and Hinata alone outside once again.

"I'm sorry Naruto-Kun...I didn't know my presence would cause all of this to happen..." she took off my jacket and handed it back to me gently.

"Just ignore him. He's an asshole anyways, and we can just meet up at the library." Hinata smiled tenderly at me, but shook her head at the idea.

"I can't really go that far into town without someone with me. Sorry Naruto-Kun my parents are a bit strict on me, and since I'm still living with them, I have to go by their rules." I frowned but nodded my head, so I could let her know that I understood what  she was saying.

"Speaking of my parents,I should get going. They'll be worried if I'm not back before dinner. Bye Naruto." She waved a final goodbye and continued her journey back home in the cold whether as I made my way inside. I slammed the door shut causing Sasuke too look up from the book he was reading on his bed.

"Well, well don't you look comfy." Sasuke smirked and took off his black, boxed glasses, sitting them on his bedside table, along with his book, which he placed facing down, so he wouldn't lose his place.

"Yes I'm very comfy actually." I rolled my eyes and grossed my arms giving him the scariest glare I had.

"Wow dobe, you can make more than just one facial expression. I couldn't really tell considering you have that annoying smile plastered to your face twenty-four seven." I puffed my cheeks in annoyance and folded my arms tightly across my chest.

"You're an asshole."

"As you've told me a million times already, but can we get this conversation over with. I really need to go to sleep because I have a long day of let me see...nothing to do tomorrow." I sighed and pointed a finger at him accusingly.

"You're the reason this conversation is happening!" Sasuke winced and put his finger over his lips shushing me.

"Shut it dobe your voice is too high pitched and annoying. Frankly it's giving me a headache."

"Frankly I don't care. You have just earned yourself a job of tutoring me." Sasuke lifted up from his bed and gave me a level ten glare.

"Says me and the poor Hinata you kicked off of the premises." He stared at me blankly, which made me a little uncomfortable, but then made a face as he started to remember something.

"Ah the trashy looking girl. Give me a reason why I should help you anyways."

"Because your my friend."


"Because you like helping other people."

"Hell no."

"Because I'll pay you twenty dollars a week for helping me."

"Deal. Now if you will please quit bothering me, I need some sleep because I now have an idiot to tutor tomorrow."

"Hey now. I'm smarter than I look." He rolled his eyes at my response and turned off the lamp on his bedside table, that lit up the whole room causing it to be pitch black once it was off.

"Doubtful. Now get some rest because I want to start early tomorrow, so I wont have to spend all my free time on helping you. Also try not to trip on your way over to your bed because knowing how clumsy you are you'd break a few bones." I huffed and carefully walked over to my bed, tripping over some unknown object in the floor.

"Told you so." I could practically see the smirk on his face as I used the bed to pull myself up.

"Shut it teme."


I had to rewrite this chapter because I cringed when I read back over it, so if you noticed anything different that's why.

Comment/Vote and thx for reading!

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