Part 29

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It was finally time for the holidays and i was extremely happy i didn't have to stay at Hogwarts. I get to spend it with my amazing girlfriend.

"Harry are you packed? The train will be at the station in 2 hours" Hermione places her hands on her hips and gives me a serious look.

"Darling, I packed yesterday. You need to calm down. Come sit next to me" I gestured her to sit on the couch next to me, she hesitates but eventually gives in.

"I'm sorry I'm just stressed about everything. This is the first holiday we're spending together and i want everything to be perfect"

"How can i make you less stressed?"

"Just being here is already helping me" She says placing her hand in mine and laying her head on the shoulder

"Well at least i get to spend the holidays with you. It will be the best holiday ever" She finishes

"Usually i don't fancy the holidays since i haven't many good memories. As long as i get to spend most of my time with you....everything will be perfect" I tell her

She gives me a quick kiss before laying her head back on my shoulder. We stayed their till it was time for us to leave.

A couple hours later....

"All aboard the Hogwarts express!" The conductor yells (I always wanted to hear a conductor say this)

I grabbed mine and Hermione's bags and placed them on the train, then i placed Hedwig with the other owls.

Hermione and i both headed into the train and picked a compartment. I turned around and Hermione gives me a confused look when i shut the door.

"Harry it's not like we can be alone....Ron and Ginny will most likely sit with us" She says knowingly

"I know. I just wanted to be with you....we can't hug or kiss or even sit too close around him. Ginny is over me yeah, but Ron always seems mad when I'm too close to you or i hold your hand...." I started to frustrate myself just trying to explain it to her

"Are you trying to say Ron fancies me?" She asks in a shocked tone

"Yeah. I thought it for awhile now" I said shamefully taking a seat next to her

"Harry if he does....who cares. I love you and I have always seen Ron as nothing but a friend and that won't change" She grabs my hand gently

"Good because i love you as well. You're mine and i hope you'll always be"

"I will" She begins to lean into me but instantly moves away as we heard the compartment door open.

"There you two are, we were wondering where you left to" Ginny says happily walking into the compartment with Ron

"We tried looking for you guys" Hermione says moving away from me

"So you guys excited to come over for the holidays?" Ginny asks looking more towards me

"Yeah. Absolutely"

The train finally began to move. I couldn't help but notice Ron kept glancing over at Hermione. She is clearly not noticing this since she is focusing on her book. I feel like i should say something, but i know how that would look.

Ignoring Ron, i decided to catch up on homework. Ever since being with Hermione my study habits have been improving. She just makes me want to try harder in my classes. I got out my potions work and begun working but decided to ask for Hermione's help, mostly because it was just an excuse to sit closer to her.

"Hermione can you come over here and help me with my homework? I could really use some help. I wanted to get it done before the holidays" She looked at me for a second, smiled and moved closer to me

"Sure. I always love helping you" She says finally

I moved closer to her and she began helping me with some answers. I glanced over at Ron who looked stunned, i didn't know if it was by me doing my homework or by Hermione. Luckily I finished it all, all thanks to my beautiful girlfriend.

"I'm so proud of you Harry for choosing to do your homework rather than wait for the holidays to be over" She says proudly, then glares at Ron

"Thank you" I love it when Hermione is proud of me

Knock knock

I see the compartment door open slowly revealing Dean. I look towards Ginny and her eyes seems to widen at the sight of him. I realized this was the new boy she liked.

"Hey. I wanted to talk to Ginny for a second" Dean says, Ginny eagerly walks out giving Hermione a thumbs up on the way out.

"What are they doing?" Ron asks her

"He is probably asking her out by now" Hermione says happily

"I will kill him!" Ron starts to yell

"Ron your sister is old enough to date. Would you calm down. Ginny has had eyes for Dean for awhile now. What do you think is going to happen, she is only in third year? She says trying to calm him, but i doubt it will work

"I will do no such thing. If he even lays a hand on her I swear i will hex him straight to the hospital wing" Ron threatens before walking out

"I don't think that will end up well"

"Did you ask for help with your homework just so you can move closer to me?" She asks smiling


She stood up shutting the door and the curtains. She then pushes me on the seat and climbs on top of me. Her lips crashed onto mine instantly as i grabbed her waist pulling her against me. She then starts giving light kisses down my neck. She began trailing her kisses along my jaw. I flipped her over taking control and move my kisses to her neck and began sucking. She leans her head back giving me more access and she wrapped her legs around my waist. This continues for a few minutes before she pushed me off and situated herself.

"Well it was good while it lasted" I tell her as she got up and opened the compartment door once again

"I just needed to get it out of my system" She says sitting back down, perfect timing too. Ron just walked back in.

"Hermione? What is that on your neck?" Ron asks pointing to the bruise just below her ear

I looked towards Hermione who is bright red. I obviously didn't think.

"Nothing" She says as casually

"So how is Ginny? Did Dean ask her out?" I asked him hoping to avoid any more talk on the subject

"No idea. But if he did, she most likely said yes. She just better not snog him while I'm around"

1 hour later....

Once the train made it to the platform we all got out to meet Mrs.Weasley. She immediately engulfs me with a hug.

"How are you dears? I'm so glad you'll be joining us"

"We are too" Hermione says positively

"Boys grab the bags and let's go!" Mrs.Weasley yells to the boys behind us

I wrapped my arms around Hermione's shoulders and we went straight to the burrow. I have a feeling this is going to be a great holiday.

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