Part 20

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Harry's pov

I quickly pulled out my book and pretended to read, hoping to avoid suspicion. I started to feel this ache in my pants as the guys walked in talking about the ball. I quickly placed a blanket over me hoping for them not to notice.

"So Harry got a date as well but he chooses to keep it a secret. So i don't even know if it's true"

Ron is talking like I'm not even here, he won't even acknowledge my existence. He is probably still mad about this morning for some odd reason....i can only assume it's because he has a crush on her and is jealous.

"Harry did you hear about Hermione? Viktor Krum asked her to the ball a couple days ago and she turned him down. I mean what girl would turn him down? She better have a good date or the whole school will be talking about it. Then again the only guy who is better than Viktor Krum....well is probably you" Dean explains to me

"I didn't know that. She actually turned him down" I asked surprised

How could she not tell me? I'm surprised that she would turn him down for me. I can't help smiling to myself, she is my girlfriend so it did make sense.

"Harry what have you been doing up here. Your hair looks like a mess" Seamus asks

"My hair is always a mess" I tell them, my hair can't be tamed and i just have to deal with it

"So Harry are you actually going to come down to the great hall or have another one of your sleepovers with Granger" Seamus teases

"Yeah? where is she anyways?" Ron asks, i can see him clutching his fists

"Library i think" I made up the excuse, they will believe anything plus that's where she likes to hang out the most.

"Okay. Well see you mate. If we don't see you down there soon....we will know what your doing" Dean says

"Knock it off with the teasing. We're not together" I told them

"Sorry it's just too easy" Seamus says before all three of the guys head down to the common room

I walked over to the closet to opened the door for Hermione. She walks out and gives me a nervous look.

"I meant to tell you about Viktor. I just forgot" She quickly apologizes

"You turned down Viktor Krum for me?" I asked again

"Of course i did. You're my boyfriend Harry. Just because our relationship is a secret doesn't mean I'm going to the ball with another guy. And besides you asked me before him"

"Thank you. So do you wanna finish what we were doing or go to dinner" I asked letting her out of the closet

"Let me think" She says before jumping on me causing me to fall back on the bed

She kisses me again planting a tender kiss on my lips. Our lips begin to move together as i felt her tongue slip in between my lips. Our tongues collided as I felt her body rub against mine, she must know what this is doing to me. The kiss started to become more passionate, but soon she stopped kissing me and looks into my eyes.

"Was all of that too much for you. We haven't been dating long and I don't want to move too fast with you" I asked her, she just starts laughing

"Absolutely not. I love kissing you" I heard her whisper

"Oh...that's...great" I tried pulling her in for another kiss but she stops me

"Nope. You heard the boys. Now let's go before people think we're having another sleepover. I'll go to downstairs first, then you can meet me there, that way no one suspects anything" Hermione whispers getting off of me

I quickly went to the bathroom to before joining Hermione.

We walked out of my room and went to the great hall taking our usual spots. I tried to listen to whatever Ron was complaining about, but i got distracted when i felt Hermione's hand join together with mine. I looked over to see her smiling at me.

"You could've fixed your hair" She whispers glancing up at the the obvious mess of black hair I had

"My hair has a mind of its own, I can't fix it. Besides I thought you liked my hair a mess" I whispered back

"Just eat your food and listen to Ron" She rolls her eyes and turned to continue her conversation with Parvati

What is this feeling i get whenever we touch? I wish i realised it sooner, i think I've always had these feelings. When we travelled though time together or when she punched that stupid slytherin in the face. I knew. It's love. Love?

I'm in love with Hermione Granger.

"Harry are you alright?" Ron asked me

"Yeah. I'm great"

Hermione's pov

After dinner Harry and i went to the common room to do some homework....well Harry did homework. I already finished all mine and was just helping him.

"Mione thank you. I would be failing all of my classes if it weren't for you" Harry says gratefully

"Of course. I can't have my boyfriend failing all his classes now can I? Now Harry remember the ball is tomorrow night, do you mind waiting for me outside the ballroom?" I asked

"Yeah. I think it will so funny to see everyone's faces when we walk into the ballroom together" he says starting to laugh

"Yeah. It will be great. Now I'm going to get my beauty sleep. I want to look nice for tomorrow"

He pulls me to his lips and places his hands just below my chin. The kiss is slow and gentle. I was glad no one is in the common room right now. Our kiss eventually broke.

"You never need beauty sleep. You are already more beautiful every moment i see you"

When I heard those words, i started to feel more vulnerable. He makes me want to kiss him more and touch him. Whenever he talks to me like that, i get all tingly inside.

"You can't talk like that in here. You will make me want to kiss you more and if I start kissing you....I will never want to stop. You make feel so happy. I want so much more of this but we can't kiss in public....anymore i mean. You are the most sweetest guy there is. Goodnight darling" I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek

"Night" Harry says before we both head up to our rooms

I looked around my room to see Parvati and Lavender already sleeping. It made me miss Ginny and i wanted to be her friend, but after what she said, i don't know if i ever could. I changed into my nighty eventually laying down and shutting my eyes.

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