Part 1

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Harry's pov

"Harry! Wake up it's time for breakfast" I heard Hermione yell shaking my shoulder

I tried to ignore her but she kept pushing me to wake up. I didn't sleep very well last night and I didn't need to be woken up.

"No it's too early. 5 more minutes" I tell her covering myself with the blanket more tightly

"Harry please....we have been looking forward to today all week. So you need to get up" She says whining

I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her on the bed with me. I grabbed her waist and started tickling her, i could see how red her face was getting as she laughed. Eventually i let go of after she yells at me once again.

"Harry!" She yells as i still held her down next to me

"Fine. I will get up. You don't need to be so grumpy this morning. You're the one who woke me up from my sleep and made me get up" I tease, finally giving in to her pleading

We just laid in bed while she was catching her breath. I looked at her and something happened, i started to notice something different about her. She looked....beautiful, i could see her brown eyes staring back at mine and i peace. But before our staring contest could continue we had to get interrupted.

"Hermione, mum told you to wake Harry up and i find you laying in bed with him?" Fred asks teasingly

"He pulled me down with him!" Hermione yells quickly sitting up, i could see her face beginning to turn red

"I did no such thing. She just climbed in bed with me. She clearly was still tired and decided to have a lie in" I tell him, i can see the smirk start appear on Fred's face

"I hate you sometimes" She whispers to me

Hermione quickly got off the bed and walked out passing Fred, leaving me to get ready for the day.

Hermione and i have been staying with the Weasleys for the last part of summer. Today we're going to the world cup, and I'm so excited! I quickly got dressed and rushed downstairs where everyone else is already eating breakfast.

"He's an amazing quidditch player. He is the only reason Bulgaria has a chance at winning" I overheard Geroge say, it began to peak my interest

"Who are you talking about?" I ask them

"Viktor Krum of course!" He says in a obvious tone

After 15 minutes Ron came down and started eating breakfast with us. Of course he took the longest to get up, meaning he had no time to actually eat before we left. He was sleeping in a different room than me, so Hermione didn't wake him up.

"Now come on folks we already have a tent. We are taking the portkey and we're meeting a good friend of mine Amos Diggory"

"But dad i just got down here" Ron complains causing both Hermione and i to laugh

"Maybe you shouldn't have taken so much time to get ready" Mr. Weasley says in a matter of fact tone

We all grabbed our bags and got ready to head out, when i looked over at Hermione i could see she was having a bit of trouble with her stuff. She only had two bags but apparently they weighed a ton, probably full of books. I couldn't help but silently laugh to myself.

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