Part 19

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"Would you two get up already! " I heard Ron yell

"You don't need to scream. What is it?" I mumbled trying to ignore him

"It's time to get up and tell your girlfriend to get up as well" Ron says rudely before storming out

I looked next to me to see Hermione still asleep, we must have fell asleep after talking last night. How did she sleep through his screaming? I looked over to see Seamus and Dean in pits of laughter after Ron's outburst.

"We knew you skipped dinner and now we know why. You and Granger were having another one of your sleepovers. I knew you two had something going" Seamus says proudly

"We do not. We were talking last night and she fell asleep. I don't know why Ron is so mad" I don't know how Hermione is sleeping through all of this

"It's so obvious Harry. Think about it....Hermione is the smartest and one of the prettiest girls in our grade, it should be obvious to you" Seamus says before him and Dean walk out still laughing.

"Hey mione you have to get up. Okay?" I whispered shaking her shoulder

"Where am I?" She mumbles opening her eyes

"In my bed. It's morning and we kinda fell asleep last night"

"Good" She looks around before lightly placing her lips on mine

I started to kiss back but i soon remembered that it was time to wake up.

"Hermione. We need to get up. We're going to miss breakfast" I told her pushing her away

"Oh No! I have to go bye Harry!" She says running out the door

"Well bye"

Hermione's pov

I walked down from Harry's room to see most of the gryffindors are looking at me weirdly. I ignored them and walked up to my room to get ready for lessons. Once finished i headed down to the great hall only to hear the sounds of woof whistles and cat calls coming from most of the tables. I walked over and sat next to Harry who seems just as flustered as i am.

"Well they all know now. I have boys whistling and staring at me all morning. This is so embarrassing" I said covering my hands with my face

"I know...but i don't care, i like sleeping next to you and no one can change that"

"Harry i need to stop sleeping with you. I don't want to gain a reputation of the girl who always sleeps around, it has happened too often already. I can't imagine what eveyone is saying about us. We need make sure we don't fall asleep in the same place" I explained

"You already have a reputation as the smartest girl in school but i will not stop sleeping next to you, you are beautiful. Plus who cares what everyone thinks. All that matters is how I feel about you" I love when he compliments me it makes me feel so loved, i can't help not blushing every time.

"I know. So i have been thinking about the second task. Why don't you go ask Cedric or Viktor if they have any idea on how to solve it?" I suggested

"Hermione that's a great idea. I will do that right after lessons. Speaking a which where is Ron?" Harry asks me

"I don't know"

Why would i know where Ron is?

"He stormed out when he saw you this morning. He started yelling, I'm surprised you didn't wake up"

"Great and just when i thought we could all be on speaking terms. Well i have to get to herbology and you have ancient runes" I reminded him as i finished eating

"I love how you have my schedule memorized. That's what makes you so perfect" Harry says with that classic Harry potter smile

"You compliment me too much. I truly don't deserve all the things you say about me"

"Everything i say is always true. I'll catch you later" Harry says winking at me before walking away

Love. I really love him. I will tell him when the time is right. But what if he doesn't love me back? We haven't been dating very long and what if he doesn't feel that way for me. I was so close to telling him before, but we got interrupted.

I tried to get Harry off my mind as i made my way to Herbology, but that was unlikely.

After lessons....

I walked into Harry's room to see him reading the same book as last night. This task must be difficult to figure out. I didn't want him stressing too much, so why not get his mind off the subject?

"Harry you have your dress robes correct?" I asked him climbing on his bed

"Yes. I have absolutely everything including the most beautiful girl as my date" He says putting the book down

I leaned in to kiss him and he pressed his tender lips against mine. The kiss grew deeper, before I knew it i felt his lips kissing along my neck. I couldn't stop the sounds coming out of my mouth as I felt him sucking the spot just below my ear.


I pulled his face towards me so i could look at those beautiful emerald eyes I've grown so fond of.

"Harry. If you keep doing that I'm gonna have little bruises all along my neck. People will know" I tell him, i could see him starting to laugh a bit.

"I'm tired of keeping this a secret. I want to kiss you and touch you without people like Ron getting upset"

"I don't want to hurt him, and you know how many articles will be out when people find out. That will truly gain me a reputation" I told him, not wanting to even think about Rita Skeeter

"I know....and I'm Sorry, i might have gotten carried away" He says guilty, he shouldn't feel guilty for being in a relationship with me

"I like when you get carried away sometimes" I whispered before pulling his lips to mine once again.

The kiss started to get steamier as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of him so I could straddle his waist. He ran his hands through my hair, only making me want him more. I moved my body against his and suddenly felt something hard against my leg. I never knew i could make him feel this way....this feels so strange but wonderful at the same time. His hand suddenly moved up my back under my jumper and he started rubbing my back. We have never went this far before, and I didn't want to stop.

"Harry...." I giggled as I felt his hands tickle my sides

I couldn't believe we were snogging on his bed, I never thought we would do this, let alone have a relationship.

"So who you blokes takin to the ball" I heard Ron say out in the hall

Panicking, i quickly climbed off Harry and hid in the closet. I closed the door just in time for the boys to come in.

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