Part 14

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Hermione's pov

So far we haven't been talking. Harry walked in a few minutes ago and hasn't said a word. He is probably thinking about the kiss and how it was a mistake. I hope he doesn't think it was a mistake, i really liked it.

"Harry are we actually going to talk about the kiss?" I asked him

"I don't regret the kiss. It was lovely and i really liked it. I have fancied you for awhile now....What about you?" He asks scooting closer to me

"I like you too Harry, and I wanted to keep kissing you but...." He pulls me to him kissing me once again. He never seems to let me finish a sentence.

I started to kiss back and he grabbed my waist pulling me on top of him. As the kiss got more heated, I slid off his jacket never disconnecting our lips. I felt his tongue move across my mouth forcing it between my lips. I could feel the heat and the sparks as our kisses didn't stop. I couldn't stop moaning, i never wanted this to end. It just felt so good to have him kissing me like this. Where on earth did he learn to kiss this way? I soon climbed off him knowing we had to actually discuss all of this.

"We just made out" Harry says stating the obvious, he sounds out of breath

"Yeah we did? Was that bad?" I asked as my heart was still beating rather quickly

"No! It was wonderful"

We sat there again for a minute or two before one of us finally spoke up.

"So what are we?" He asks me

"I really like you a lot....and i really enjoy kissing you. I have had a crush on you for awhile and i never knew how to tell you, but when you kissed me....I felt like a weight has been lifted off of me. I hope that makes sense"

"I really like you too. But....what about Ginny and Ron and everyone else at Hogwarts? Do you care what they will say?" He questions.

"I don't care what they have to say. You always told me that it doesn't matter what others think and they don't even need to know. It's no ones business what goes on between us. Besides i don't want the daily prophet finding out either for that matter. Just imagine the articles written about me" I tell him

"So we should keep this between us then?" He asks once again

"Yeah. You're my boyfriend and i'm your girlfriend" I whispered as i moved to kiss him again

He lays his hand on my neck and pulls me closer to him. Our lips softly collided and i wrapped my arms around his neck. His tongue swept into my mouth once again as we began fighting for dominance. I have never had such a passionate kiss, well I've never had a kiss before today. His hands began moving along my back and he pulled me onto his lap. Slowly i separated from him looking into those green eyes. I could see the passion and intimacy.

"You know everyone is going to be wondering where we are. How about we do this later?" Harry suggests

"Yeah. We are definitely doing this later" I agreed

He grabs my hand and we started walking out, but i gave him one last kiss on the lips before joining the rest of the gryffindors downstairs. I walked into the common room to see the party in full swing. I walked over to get a drink when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Ginny.

"Hey Gin. What's up?"

"Nothing. Just i need you to tell me if there is anything going on between you and Harry because i really like him and you two seem to always be together. You guys were just upstairs together? " She says nervously

I hated lying to her, she is one of my best friends but i couldn't tell her I'm now dating the guy she always had a crush on.

"Nothing is going on. We are just really good friends so people assume there is something going on. Trust me, i would never lie to you" I can't believe that just came out of my mouth

"Good" She walks off towards Lavender and Parvati

I felt so guilty. I decided to forget it for the rest of night and i walked towards Harry and Ron. Harry began retelling the story of how he defeated the dragon.

Harry's pov

After a couple of hours the party started to die down a bit. I said my goodbyes to everyone and most of us went to bed. As I closed my eyes to sleep I couldn't get Hermione off my mind. Her lips on mine and the way she held on to me, i can't believe it has finally happened. I finally fell asleep thinking of my girlfriend. I loved saying that.

A couple hours later....

I got woken up by the door creeking open. I didn't bother looking to see who is was, assuming it was probably one of the guys.

I closed my eyes and I tried to go back asleep, but then i felt these soft lips touch mine. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know who it was. Slowly i began to kiss back only for her pull away.

"I was hoping that would wake you up" I heard her whisper, i opened my eyes to see her standing above me

"Mione? What are you doing awake?" I asked her whispering, she then gets under the covers and lays next to me.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you. So i decided to come and join you" She whispers blushing

"Is this going to be a regular thing now? You coming in here in the middle of the night to lay with me" I joked

"Yep. Only if you want me to of course"

I pulled her closer to me covering her with blankets.

"Do you have a plan in case we get caught again?" I ask her placing my arms around her

"I had a feeling this might happen. I have an alarm that wakes up a couple hours before everyone else. So i can leave before they wake up" She tells me, she was always the one for good ideas

"Good Night love" Is whisper to her

"Night Harry" I kissed the top of her head before shutting my eyes

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