Chapter One

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The room fills with clean, cool, fresh air from the morning that promises of rain. After a long and sleepless night, the room feels stale. This room belongs to Ange, who is hanging out the window breathing in the deeply, she is 17 and wild. Most boys crave her attention and everyone at her school wants to make themselves known to her. She doesn't care about these people at all, she has better things to do then to get into meaningless, worthless relationships, besides she is still very uncertain about things. So, as you can imagine, she likes only a few limited people. Her best friends, Carol and Emma have known her for ages, they think she is absolutely mad, rightfully so, because she is. At the moment she is lighting up a joint and it is 5am on a Monday morning, she is doing this in defiance against her step mum. See, Ange didn't go to school for a year when her mum died and everyone thought she would have to repeat, but Ange wasn't going through school for a day longer then needed and took test to see if she could go up a grade. Passed on 96% and when she returned things were different and she dreaded school everyday. It got to the point where she thought it would be better if she were with her mum again. Ange's dad walked into her room to find she had swallowed a packet of Panadol with half a bottle of Vodka. She was taken straight to the Er, nursed back to health and diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Since then, Ange shows up to school when she wants, which is hardly ever. She finds school boring and wasteful. School is too easy for her and she is sick of teachers getting a thrill when asking if she is ok. She hates the "popular" girls who want to desperately be her friend, they are faker then Chanel from Bali. So about twice a week she forces herself to sit through the hell. Sitting quietly and smoking weed in the bathroom with her friends in lunch and recess. Ange doesn't care for the rules and walks off school bounds just to see which teacher will finally snap and give her equal treatment. However, Carol and Emma are very different. They care for the rules, do homework, talk to teachers, everything Ange doesn't do. They also have their own struggles, so Ange's misfortunes aren't common subject of conversation. Carol has a mental disorder that they do not speak of and Emma has a stutter that when she gets scared or nervous becomes very noticeable. When they hang around with each other it all seems to disappear and they are for once normal and no one is there to judge them. Boys walk past regularly to try and impress Ange, teachers also walk past often to check it isn't an, "I Slit My Wrist," cult. Carol and Emma know why everyone loves Ange, she is too oblivious and naive when it comes to her appearance to see it. She is a Goddess. Perfect. Brown curly hair, straight white teeth, light green eyes, skinny, toned, tanned and has such an acquired personality that finding someone else that matched her train of thought and opinions would be extremely difficult. She is charming, opinionated, doesn't care what people think of her, hilarious, bitchy, effortless. Carol and Emma wonder why she has them as her friends when she could chose anyone, after all she is nearly the most sort after teen in their city. 

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