Chapter Thirty-nine

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"Let's play a game," Nat announces.

It is 12 noon and we haven't moved from the couch where we lie beside each other beneath the same blanket.

"I ask you something and you ask me something, if you don't want to answer, you take a sip of vodka."

I laugh. "Have you met me? You don't need to dare me to drink!"

She raises her eyebrows at me.

"Ok, Ok," I rush. "Just let me text Carol and Katherine."

I send Carol a text saying I'm all good and I tell her not to leave the house with Emma because I want to sort things out. She replies almost immediately saying that Emma is sorry and a few people are still there. I text Katherine telling her it was an awesome night and everyone had fun and were super happy.

"You go first," she says.

I move so I'm looking down on her face. "Why doesn't your Dad get around you?"

She grimaces. "Where is the vodka?" She asks and I can't tell if she is joking.

She sees I'm unhappy with her answer.

"I'm kidding, jeez," she adds quickly. "Well, good ol' padre." She looks up at me. "You sure you want to hear this?"

I nod.

"Ok." She sighs and prepares herself in silence. "Right, so in my family, I have my two sisters, Sarah, or Mrs Denver and Julie and my brother, Matt. Anyway, so Matt was engaged to his wife, Anne, the daughter of some hotshot surgeon and my Dad is a doctor, who invented something or rather and he really needed a surgeon to help him with his design of it, so he wanted Matt to marry Anne quiet badly. Ok, so Matt and Anne were up at my accounting firm having a look around, I was 21 at the time and Anne was 26. (I should add in the Anne's father and my father are very homophobic, you know, like white old male homophobes.) I was at my desk, typing away, whatever I was doing then and I see my brother with Anne talking to my aunty, I go up and hug them both because I haven't seen Matt in ages and I had never met Anne and then they announced they were getting married. The engagement party was on Saturday and it was Thursday, he was saying and while he was talking to my aunty and I, Anne was totally checking me out."

"Who wouldn't?" I smirk.

"Matt left to go see an old bloke who used to give us lollies out of his drawer and I said to Anne, as a tease and to lead her, to come and look at my office. God, she was a flirt." Nat smiles at the memory and I smile too, at the idea of a mysterious woman flirting with Nat. "I flirt back, subtly though, and then her and Matt left. That Friday, Dad, Matt, Anne, my Aunty, Uncle and Cousin all had dinner at Dad's house. In the middle of it, I left to get some air and Anne followed me, flirting and talking as well as walked. It got to the stage where all I could do to shut her up was kiss her, so we kissed for ages. Back at the house when we returned, everyone had started a board game and we couldn't join in, so Dad, always wanting to show off, told me to take Anne for a spin in his Bentley. He is to blame for this next bit. In the car, Anne kept creeping her hand up and down my leg. Then she kissed me again and perfect timing, because we are right outside my house that is forty minutes away from my Dad's. I drove all the way to my house to sleep with her and it was worth it. Afterwards, she revealed to me that all her friends knew she is bi and that she could never fully come out because of her Dad and I could totally relate, so she became like 30% more attractive to me. I drove her back home, no one asked many questions, we told them I took her to the festival on the pier. On the Saturday of the party, Anne's dad caught us making out behind the venue and pretty much disowned her and punched my Dad. Dad never knew the reason why until recently and he hated gays before, even more now. Matt never found out and he just thought Anne and her Dad had a big fight over something. I had to watch them get married and pretend it was fine when Anne asked me to be her bridesmaid." She finishes with a long sigh.

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