Chapter 16

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Holy tater tots it's been too long since I've updated...sorry to those of you who've been waiting. Anyhow, please comment and vote!


I'm not going to make it! that's crazy talk! A large blue and purple beast groaned from where it lay on the blackened floor. Another creature sat on a jagged, once beautiful, throne beside it. The stars in the room had dimmed to nothing and lay motionless on the ground. The first beast looked up at the second, pain glazing it's eyes. 

" could you do this?" The black beast snorted.

"How could I not? You promised we could rule together dear sister. You never follow through with your promises." The purple dragon coughed feebly, feeling her life begin to slip away.

"What do you mean? We agreed to create the Dracats together...but you destroyed them." The black dragon tossed back her massive head in a sickening laugh. 

"That race was too weak!" It snarled, "We needed something stronger to rule! So we created the Drawolves...but you kicked me out of the Heavens and ruled Majesta on your own!" It's roar of anger echoed down the silent hall and into the blackness of space. The first dragon flinched, pain gripping the slashes on her chest and stomach. The black beast softened her voice to a sickly sweet whisper.

"At least your favorite Dracat made it out alive, a pity she lost her wings to her cruel Nekoli father, but lucky enough I suppose. How did you pull that off?" The black animal cackled gleefully at the scorn in the other's eyes. 

"Haqine (A/N pronounced Hawk-een, in case you were wondering) was needed elsewhere, I had to do something to ensure her future on Nekolia and Terra happened." The blue and purple beast bit back a growl as pain seared through her hind leg. She lifted her head to see the other digging her claws into her flank. 

"It doesn't matter where Haqine is as long as she won't interfere with my plans, Starea." The black dragon grinned evilly. 

"Do what you must, the Elements will stop you, Hellair." Starea realized her only hope was what she'd thought before. Hellair cocked her head, still holding the same chilling smile.

"Oh, they'll never see me coming..." Starea gasped as her sister faded from her sight. She didn't! The large, injured dragon struggled to her feet and limped heavily over to a large crystal ball. She stumbled backward after she'd peered into it more clearly. She did... Starea took a deep breath. Well, it's now or never...not like I have much time left anyway. She coughed painfully again, feeling her wounds burn and fresh blood drip onto the floor steadily because of her sudden movement. I have to shed my divinity if I want to stop my sister...


Liam stared at the blue sky and sighed happily. It was a beautiful fall afternoon and the sun was shining. Judy lay next to him on the grass, fast asleep. It had been an exciting morning for them both, having to find out what their next step in life was with schooling and all that. Liam smiled as he gazed at her calm face, content and carefree. I wonder where Megan is... He looked around, expecting to find her. No trace. He took a few steps toward the top of the small hill and stared down at the forest below. The beginning of a small pond could be seen before the trees cut off the rest of the view of it. Liam opened his wings and, with one last glance at Judy, jumped off the hill and quickly descended down to the small grove of trees where the pond lay half hidden. He tucked back his, now much larger, webbed wings as he touched the ground and began to search for the silver haired girl. At the Full Moon Ceremony he'd hardly recognized Judy, but with Megan it was almost impossible to believe she was the same, short girl they'd found in a worship temple not long ago. 

"Megan?" Liam called softly. He heard a gasp and a splash somewhere around the bend. Peering out from behind a tree, Liam saw Megan kneeling at the water's edge, looking straight ahead. 

"Who's there?!" She called, ears erect. Liam hardly dared to breathe. She hadn't heard him. Her attention was on something else in the trees ahead of her. He willed his senses to pick up something, but all he heard was the sound of his own heart beating hard. Megan had risen to her feet and was cautiously feeling her way toward the trees. What if it's something dangerous?! His heart lurched. He desperately wanted to call out to Megan, but then thought better of it as she suddenly rushed forward and cried.

"Oh! You're hurt!" Liam peered at the bush the blue winged Dracat had knelt behind. Someone was there...

"It's nothing." A new voice sounded tinged with pain. 

"I'll...I'll go get help!" Megan stood again and rushed toward Liam. She crashed into him and fell over, Liam only unbalanced slightly. He helped her up as she began to tell him everything.

"There's a girl our age over there, a Dracat, already evolved. She's hurt really bad!" Megan's voice shook.  Liam touched her shoulder.

"Where is she? We'll take her back to my mom, she is a healer." He tried to sound as comforting as possible, even though he was unsure himself. This is so sudden, how long has that person been there? He wondered as he followed Megan over to the bush. Liam peeked over the bush and then stumbled backwards, his hand over his mouth. Sweet Starea...she's not wearing any clothing! Liam felt Megan watching him.

"What's wrong?" She twitched her ear nervously. That's right, Megan can't see... Liam gulped.

"W-well...She seems hurt badly." He scratched his head and Megan nodded quickly. 

"That's why we must get help!" She almost wailed. It was like she had a connection to this stranger. Maybe it's a Dracat thing... He thought. The girl was unconscious now because of the pain she must be feeling. Blood stained the grass too. Liam pondered the situation. She needs clothes, first off, and I need to carry her in a way that won't rip her wounds open anymore... He inwardly smiled, I learn a lot from my mother. Megan's misty gaze was on him, waiting expectantly for him to take action. I don't have any extra clothing... Suddenly a thought struck him. Pulling off his shirt he handed it to Megan.

"Can you put this on her as carefully as possible, or must I do it?" He tried not to sound rude, but he really didn't want to touch the girl until she was...covered. Megan took the shirt and nodded, carefully helping the girl into it with ease. I guess her blindness is not her weakness. Liam thought, impressed.Once the girl was fully covered by the large, button up shirt, Liam cautiously picked her up, folding her wings as comfortably as he could for both of them. He was surprised at how light she was. Turning to Megan he grunted.

"I'll meet you back at the house, but go wake up Judy and tell her what happened and where I'll be." Megan nodded and quickly took to the sky, flying up to the hill where Judy lay fast asleep amid all this excitement. The Dracat shifted in Liam's arms and let out a groan of pain. Her blood was soaking into the shirt making Liam wince. That was one of my new ones too... He shifted his weight, opening his wings with a shrug, but that doesn't matter, her life does. He flapped his wings twice and leaped into the air. I hope I make it in time, he looked down at the girl as her eyes fluttered open and then closed with a sigh, because there isn't much left for her. 


To those who've read this and have not read my collaboration story with Unnatural and Unreal and do not understand the reference to Haqine in this chapter I highly advise that you do read the collab story. This chapter might explain why Haq's glad to have gotten away from her parents on Nekolia because she was never accepted there. (Haqine is her full name btw) She belonged in the first civilization that Starea and Hellair created and then Hellair destroyed. Starea saved Haq because she knew what lay ahead for Haq. So in case anyone was wondering about Haq's real story there it is, I might elaborate on it further in this story, it depends. Thanks guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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