Chapter 5

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"I can't." Liam's hands shook as he moved them over the pool. They had been practicing water magic all morning, so far no luck. Judy sat back,
"Well, what do you think telekinesis means then? What does it do?" She folded her arms crossly. Liam rolled his eyes,
"I don't know, but we have to keep trying. I stopped the water you threw at me, let's try and see if I can stop other things in the air." He resulted, helping the female Drawolf to her feet. Judy picked up a pinecone when her partner's back was turned with a smirk. Throwing it as hard as she could she watched it sail toward the blonde boy. Her heart stopped as his ear swiveled and in a fluent motion, swung around and brought up a hand, freezing the cone in mid air. Judy felt her cheeks turn warm at the focused look on the male Drawolf's face. What was this...feeling?
"W-wow! That was cool!" Judy shook the thought away and ran up to Liam.
Drawing his silver wings back in place, Liam shrugged,
"I just felt and then did. I don't know how it happened." Judy felt her heart thump rapidly in her chest and she feared he could hear it. Liam cocked his head as she continued to stare at him, her face pink. He felt his own cheeks warm as she looked into his eyes, hers large and blue like the lake in Freeclan.
"Um, did you want to keep trying things?" Liam tore his gaze away and Judy seemed to snap out of her trance.
"Y-yeah sure..." She nodded quickly, flicking her ears back in embarrassment. Liam shrugged of the thoughts that intruded his mind. What was this...feeling? Liam turn his ear in time to hear another object flying his way. Whipping around he stopped the rock right in front of his nose.
"That was close!!" He panted and smiled at his companion and turned back to the trees, searching for something he could practice on. He heard quick footsteps, guessing that Judy was running to him, so he looked back just as she came falling forward.
"WAAGH!" Both screamed in unison. Once the dust had settled Judy looked up sheepishly, blushing hard as she realized she was on top of the unsuspecting boy. He had managed to turn around last second and break her fall, but he underestimated her weight and ended up on the forest floor with her laying on him. Liam's face turned red as she righted herself on her hands and knees.
"Oh my stars..." Was all she could say without making things any more awkward for the pair. Darn I tripped on a root! A random thought popped into Liam's head. Judy was frozen stiff, staring wide eyed at him. Was that her thought? Did I her mind?
"Um, did you trip on a root?" He uncomfortably shifted beneath the girl. Judy seemed to snap out of it,
"Oh my stars! I'm so sorry! Yes did you know?" She stopped her rant and blinked at him. Liam felt his face flush,
"Can you...get up real fast..." He looked away as she stood up and smoothed her short skirt, helping him up in turn. After clearing his head, the male Drawolf looked back up at his partner.
"Well, a thought came into to my head like you were talking to me, but it was your own thought to yourself...does that make any sense?" He shrugged as Judy nodded slowly.
"Do you think it's part of telekinesis?" She stood by him and they continued on into the woods. Liam side glanced at the red haired girl
"I'm not sure..." Judy rolled her eyes at him, and he noticed her cheeks were still pink from their little fall,
"Li, it's simple. Were you able to do it before?" Liam fluttered his silver wings in embarrassment, he hadn't thought of that.
"N-no, so it must be a part of my semblance..." Judy nodded in satisfaction.
"Yes, it has to be." They continued their walk in silence until they reached a small waterfall. Judy flapped her dark pink wings and landed beside the gushing water.
"What do you do here?" Liam spun in a slow circle, taking in the scenery.
"This is where the river leading to the lake begins...I've never been up past the fall because my mama said not to go alone. But now that you're here I'm not alone! Do you want to explore?" She flew up the small cliff face and landed precariously on the edge. Liam hesitated, sure that when her mother said not to go she meant to be with an adult. But the adventurous look in his friend's eyes made him quickly follow, especially when she disappeared from sight.
"J-Judy! Are you sure about this?" Liam pushed a large leaf frond away with his small wing. She simple flicked her tail for him to be quiet. He snuck forward to stand next to the suddenly silent girl.
"We are here..." He barely heard her whisper. Liam looked forward in confusion. Creeping forward, the young female slid out of the brush and into an icy moat. Following suspiciously Liam gasped as cold water swirled around his short torso. He kept an eye on the purple creature swimming confidently ahead of him and when he finally make it to shore, he and Judy both shook themselves out like dogs.
"Where are we?" Liam hissed between clenched teeth, shivering violently. Judy smiled at him,
"The Temple of the Elements." As if the name called it, a large purple butterfly swooped down from the top of the temple and landed on Liam's arm.
"Hold onto that, Li...We'll need it..." Judy grinned with a wild look in her blue eyes.
Chapter 5 is out! Tell me what you think the temple is for. What do you think the butterfly will be used for. Give me ideas and wait and see what becomes of these young Drawolf! See y'all next week for chapter 6!

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