Chapter 15

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I'll give a quick recap and then we'll get on with chapter 15! Please comment and vote! <3


The night crept on slowly. March born...April born...May born...It was time. Liam looked up at the Queen as she announced that it was time for the June born Drawolves. Judy gave a little bounce and clutched Liam's arm.

"It's time!" She hurried toward the far left exit and motioned for him to follow. Liam took a deep breath...and stepped through the door. 

Light flooded the next room, unlike the previously darker room. It took a moment to adjust but once he did...Liam gasped. The room was large and round with cylindrical chambers lining the walls. Judy stared wide-eyed, her ears pricked in interest. Liam smiled and continued looking around as several small dragons led the young Drawolves into the chambers. There was bright flashes of light from the chamber windows and then...the Drawolves didn't come out. There must be a back exit. Liam assured himself. Judy's left ear had swiveled around in surprise. She must have noticed they didn't exit. Liam thought. The line they were waiting in inched forward, making Liam's heart beat faster. It's almost time! Judy looked up at him and made a half freaked out half excited face. Liam laughed a little but flicked his tail nervously. The line continued moving and was time. Judy squeezed Liam's hand once and then stepped into the chamber. Liam held his breath until the flashing lights stopped. The chamber door opened again and Judy was no where to be seen. The little neon blue dragon nudged him inside the chamber and shut the door. 

Liam blinked in the dim light. He reached out his arms, expecting them to hit the chamber walls, but there was none. He was floating in the air. Liam felt his breath catch as he felt no ground underneath him. It's like flying without having to beat my wings! He thought in awe. Suddenly he heard a ringing. He looked up to see a small glowing, golden sphere in front of him. He looked at it curiously. It sounded familiar... 

"Hello Liam, I am your Guidance Star, GSPE106. Are you ready to advance into the next phase of your life?" Liam blinked in confusion...where had he heard this voice before? GSPE106 made a little coughing noise.

"Liam?" It floated closer. Liam shook his head wildly to clear his rushing thoughts. GSPE106 moved back.

"No? Well then, command accepted. You are free to go hom--" 

"Wait! No, GSPE106, I am ready." Liam held up his hand, heart beating fast. That was close! He sighed. GSPE106 began to pulse with light.

"Commend accepted, Master Liam." GSPE106 disappeared as the room began to flash with bright light. Liam grit his teeth as pain came. He felt as though his whole body was being pulled and stretched. Everything began to feel hot. He almost screamed as it felt like his body was burning. He bit his lip, tears from his widen eyes floating upward and disappearing from sight. The light around the space grew brighter still and then...everything went black. 


Liam stumbled out into the cold night air. W-what happened? He rubbed his head, which ached incredibly. He looked around in a daze. Then he remembered...He looked down at his hands and he realized, with a gasp, it worked. I'm evolved! He smiled at his now large hands. The ground definitely looked farther away now. He looked around at the few newly evolved Drawolves but he didn't see anyone familiar in any way. Where is she? He turned in a full circle. Am I too late? Suddenly he heard someone calling his name. 

"Liam?! Liam!? Li--" Liam stumbled as that someone bumped into his wing. She tripped and fell on the ground just as he turned around. Her long red hair covered her face. 

"Oh my stars! I'm so sorry sir!" Her ears drooped as she stood up. Liam was about to say not to worry about it when a thought struck him. Who else I know says that? 

"Judy?" He lifted the hair away from her eyes with an inward frown, what's wrong with my voice?!

"Liam?," Her cheeks were red as she looked up at him wide eyed, "Oh my stars, Liam!" She smiled and jumped up to give him a bear hug around his neck. 

"I didn't recognize your voice or your hair, it's so long!" He choked out, literally. Judy sighed happily and let go of him.

"I know! I almost didn't recognize myself! I feel so...different!" Liam nodded.

"Me too. My voice is so..." He twitched is ear in thought.

"Low?" Judy giggled. Liam snapped his fingers.

"Yeah!" He scrunched his nose, "I don't think I like it." Judy smiled fondly.

"Well, I think it suits your new look." She laughed as he flicked his ears back.

"I look weird don't I?" He nudged her playfully. She swished her tail innocently.

"Of course not! You look..." She trailed off and just stared dreamily. --Absolutely amazing... The thought flashed across Liam's mind. He smirked but kept quiet. 

"Hm, right. Well you look...older." He laughed as she came to and punched him in the arm. 

"No duh! If anything I  look weird!" Liam stopped laughing and stared at her. She shifted uncomfortably.

"What? What is it?" She gasped as he gently grabbed her arms. 

"Don't. Don't let anyone tell you that. You are...absolutely amazing." He caught his breath as he uttered this phrase. Her eyes widened as he moved his hands from her arms to her hands. Time seemed to stop. Judy blinked slowly and they leaned toward each other...

"Liam? Judy?!" Mr. Tuso called out. Liam let go of Judy's hands in embarrassment. What is this feeling?

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