Chapter 10

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Sorry for the long wait, I had to prepare for this up coming school year...Ah! I'm going to highschool!! Anyway, I'll give a quick recap and we'll get chapter 10 underway! <3 y'all!
"I can't wait to evolve and train at the Palace!" Megan smiled happily. Liam looked confused,
"But...only those who are to be Elementals train at the Palace." Megan tipped her head in confusion for a moment and then laughed.
"Oh yes! I forgot to tell you and Judy why I really wanted to live close to the Palace! I'm going to train as the Element of Water!" She smiled directly at Liam, sending shivers up his spine. But...Judy has water elemental magic...there's only one every hundred years so...Liam was snapped out of troubling thought as his mother touched his shoulder,
"Why don't you show Megan around?" She smiled at him, but her eyes betrayed a hint of fear and worry.
"O-oh right..." Liam scratched his head and turned to guide Megan out the door.
"Ugh I can't believe those two." Judy scowled as she flew quickly over the dense forest below her. She flexed her claws angrily,
"He didn't even notice me!" She flattened her ears as she thought of their intense argument the day before. Her wings faltered as another wave of exhaustion and sadness washed over her like a cold wave. Regaining balance she looked up in weary relief at the welcoming sight of the white palace before her. She dropped slowly until her paws touched the pearl colored, marble landing pad. She stumbled and fell as her legs gave way under her. She took on human form gasping for breath,
"Probably wasn't a smart idea to fly all the way here without resting in between." A voice rumbled above Judy's head. Looking up in alarm, she scrambled back and stood quickly as a very large golden beast descended from above. Judy blinked,
"Who are y-you...!?" Judy tucked her ruffled wings back in fear. The golden dragon chuckled and lifted Judy's chin with her smoothed tail, her large, feathered wings stirring the air and giving it a warm tingle of magic that buzzed through Judy's body and made her teeth chatter. The gigantic silver clock in the landing platform chimed six o'clock, shaking the ground under Judy's feet making her stumble again.
"Why are you here dear? The ceremony is not until three days from now." The creature circled the small girl. Judy blushed and flicked her ears back,
", I don't know actually..." She ran her hands through her red hair in exasperation. The golden beast narrowed her eyes and frowned noticeably,
"There is always a reason for everything, dear." Judy thought hard about this,
"Well...I guess." She nodded, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. The dragon gestured a large paw for her to continue,
"Uh, I needed some time away from...everyone." Judy determined, but an unsettling feeling sunk in her stomach. The golden beast swept her tail around her,
"Everyone?" She inquired as if she knew that wasn't true. Judy shifted under its gaze uncomfortably,
" It's really nothing...just my best friend that ignored me for another girl...that's all really, nothing more." Judy felt burning tears form as she relayed her greatest fear to a stranger. Hiding her face, Judy cried silently. The creature's gaze softened and she put a large paw on Judy's back without hesitation. Judy turned and cried into the soft fur on the dragon's chest, relishing the warmth that she'd missed everyday since her mother left.
"Its alright little one, you can stay here until the ceremony if you wish." The dragon's voice rumbled through her chest and tickled Judy.
"That would be nice...But shouldn't we ask Queen Goldentail?" Judy sniffed sadly remembering the stories that she'd been told about the fearless, firm ruler that dwelled in the Palace of Light. The dragon rumbled again, this time in laughter,
"Oh I'm sure I'm fine with it." But Judy hardly heard this, she was already sinking into sleep.
Sorry for the short chapter but I fell short of ideas for this section. I hope y'all liked it anyway, peace out!

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