"Egh, posh. It's like the same height as those shorts you wear all summer." She adds.

"Yeah. Shorts. Where your ass doesn't show if you bend over, because there's this handy lil thing call a scrap of cloth COVERING your vagina!" I state.

"Kasei Grace." She tsks in my direction. "You wear a leotard that rides up your ass in front of hundreds of people, but you're too scared to pull on a tube skirt for a couple dozen customers?" Dakota shakes her head. "I don't understand you." 

"That's not the same at all, but you wouldn't understand." I snort. "SOME people are comfy just not wearing a bra, or pants in the presence of other people. I've seen your ass more times than I can count." 

"And it's a lovely one, I know. Not as nice as yours, however, so stop bitchin and put them on!" 

Clearly not an ounce of sympathy in this woman. I sigh, knowing that just like the fries I ate earlier, I'm not going to win this as she shoves me into the bathroom stall. 

I quickly pull on the skirt and button up the shirt. "Oh no." 

"Ooh! Ooh! Lemme see!" Dakota pounds on the door.

"DAKOTA. You NEED to get me a large. I CANNOT wear either of these in public!"

"Are you serious?" 

"Dakotaaa." I whine. "Please?" 

She heaves a sigh. "Fine. I'll be back."

"Thank goodness." I mutter, stepping out of the stall to look in the mirror. My skirt is...very short. I'm not convinced it'll be longer than my apron.  The top, a white button up, is straining at the seams, although I must admit I do look the part of a tip-worthy waitress, I don't think I can wear this in public without worrying it'll explode on me. 

"We're baaaccckk!" they burst through the door and stop in their tracks. 

"Dannggggg Kase." Erin raises her eyebrows. 

"You look hot!" Dakota agrees.

"Yeah, thanks but I genuinely don't think I can wear this. Now can I have the large?" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah...about that...We looked EVERYWHERE, but just COULDN'T find one." Erin giggles.

"I call bullshit. Girls. C'mon." 

"Okay. Listen girl. I have C's. I will never have boobs as good as yours, or the butt of a dancer, and I've made peace with it, but I'm just saying if I had...attributes like yours, I would definitely show them off." Dakota says. 

"Well." I hum, looking in the mirror again. "You have a point, but I don't know." 

"If you REALLY want to size up, we don't want you to be uncomfortable, obviously I just met you I don't want to make it seem like if you work here you'll be forced to do things you don't want to." Erin smiles. 

I chuckle. "No, no I don't think that." I turn and examine myself in the mirror again. "I don't know...at least I need a new top...it's clearly bursting at the seams. Look." I move my arms above my head and one of the buttons pops. I stretch behind my back, and another one comes undone. "See?"

"Yeah. You're right." She takes a step out of the room for a second, coming back with new garments. "The last thing we need is a lawsuit because someone found a button in their pale ale." Erin jokes. 

"True, also you can't give too much away." Dakota winks. 

"Y'all are clearly supportive for the right reasons." I snort, leading them to burst out laughing. 

 I roll my eyes, stepping back into the stall to switch out the shirts. "Damn, are they all this tight?" I chuckle. The buttons are straining on this one as well. 

"Well the problem is you've got it buttoned all matronly." Erin leans forward and undoes the buttons down to my cleavage. 

"Yeah, but don't I look slutty?" I complain, secretly admitting that I do look pretty good.

"No, you really don't. Another button or two, maybe." 

"Well, if you're not exactly comfortable wearing it how it is, wear a bralette." Dakota suggests. "I know you have a couple pretty ones."

"Alright, fine. You guys are right. I look good. I'll wear it."

"Yay!" they cheer in unison.

"But I'm doing one of the buttons up until I have my bralette." I can always count on my best friend to push me out of my comfort zone...aggressively pushing, sometimes, but I haven't regretted anything yet, so I trust her judgement.

They exchange a look. "Fine. We aren't gonna push you, but you'll get more tips if you leave it undone."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever. It's just a trial run today. It's not like I'm gonna get any tips."

"Oh. I forgot to tell you. You guys are gonna be practicing waiting actual tables." Erin grins, ducking out of the room.

"Of course." I laugh. "She 'forgot'. That's likely."

We exit the bathroom after I quickly fishtail my hair, and Dakota throws hers into her signature messy bun.

"I'm not sure about this still..."I say, pulling the skirt that's riding up down, and pulling my top up.

"Trust me. You look incredibly hot." Dakota assures.

"I agree. You totally do. I'd tip that." A voice chuckles as I'm about to argue.

I turn away from Dakota and look towards the voice.

It's him.


Thanks so much for reading!
Ooh! Cliffhanger!
Who do you think HE is? Comment below!

Love you all!


*images at the top are from pinterest, depict an image in my head while I wrote, are not 100% accurate to the story*

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