t w e n t y t w o | His Answers

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Sumedh's Point Of View :

I had to come.. I knew she was stubborn. Nevertheless, I looked back into her eyes.
" Aren't you feeling hungry?", I asked not really wanting to tell her everything.
" No! Tell me..! Why?! Why did you hide so much from me..? Where had you been all through.. I want to know..!", she said behaving like a two year old.
" I'm hungry! ", I said stubbornly.
" Fine.. But you'll tell me everything while eating. ", she said.
I sighed and agreed.
I had ordered food so I went and got it from the kitchen. Everyone was already asleep.

As I walked into the room I found Radha struggling to open her necklace.. As usual. I walked up to her, kept the food beside her on the bed and slowly opened it. She turned towards me, blushing.
" Thanks..", she said as I sat beside her handing her a plate.
" You are welcome. ", I said with a smile.
" Okay.. Now tell me..", she said going back to her form.
" Fine.. But only if you keep quiet.", I said tearing the chapati and dipping the piece into the sabji.
" To begin with, I am an undercover cop out on a mission. My mission is to arrest Sourav. ", I said and she looked at me wide eyed and then returned to her plate.

" Being an undercover cop I wasn't supposed to reveal my identity.. But then.. Never mind. ", I said remembering I had just told her who I was.
" That night you saw Madhav. He is also under the same mission and that rifle is authorized.", I said.
" Is it done? ", she asked as I started eating.
" Hmm.", I said still eating.
" But then why did you not tell me that you loved me? And what about that girl who suicided? ", she asked.
" I didn't tell you because somehow Sourav was behind any body who cared about my existence. He truly hates me. And that girl, her name was Devika. She was my friend and somehow Sourav took her to be you and..", I paused remembering the bitter moment where I couldn't do anything and then continued,
" And you know what he did..", I said.

Just then I heard the sound of a bullet being shot. Both me and Radha looked at each other.
" Come out, you coward!", we heard a familiar voice which held utter cruelty.


So.. Can you guess who it is?
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