e i g h t e e n | His Secret

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Karan's Point Of View


But I saw her myself.. With my own eyes.. ", I said in a low voice filled with disbelief.
" You saw her for the first and last time, didn't you?", she said in a voice which sounded more of guilt.
" Yes..", I said remembering how secretive Sumedh had been about his love interest. He hadn't even showed her picture to me. Just described her looks.
" But how does that even matter? ", i asked confused.
She quietly handed me those photographs which were kept on the bed. I took them.

In one the photograph I could see a girl of around twelve or thirteen wearing a frock with a pleasant smile spread over her face. The photograph looked rather old, it was black and white.
" Who is she?", I asked looking at it amazed.
" Its the girl Sumedh had loved. ", she said looking back into the diary she had opened in front of her eyes.
" Its Rukmini? ", I asked her.
" Yes.", came the feeble reply.
" Then.. What is the issue?", I asked her who was just not looking up.
She took a deep breath as she kept the diary aside and stood up.
" The issue is Rukmini is nobody else but me!", she screamed and then broke down into tears.
" No.. Wait what?! ", I said in a loss of words.
" Yes.. Read that diary.. It was always him.. Your friend.! The author I had always loved... S. R. Raichand.. It's him! ", she said as she sat back in the bed, sobbing.
I picked up the diary from the bed and sat on the bed, beside her.

It was wet with tears but the writing hadn't got distorted. I immediately went back to the first page, which read.

4th July
Today was such a disaster!
I don't know what happens to me at times.. I suddenly walked up to Radhika and told her that I love her, but then, what a vain! All her friends started laughing at me! And why not? After all I'm a loser.. But she, she didn't laugh.. She just said,
" Its not wrong to Love somebody but I'm sorry.. I don't really know you."
Of course, who would know a loser like me.. But what can I do? I love her!
Nevertheless I just walked away silently. Hey! I'm not sad that I'm rejected. It's a habit now.

I immediately changed to the next page.

6th August
Today was her birthday. I thought I'd do something for her but all I did was make a fool of me.. I wanted to give her her favorite storybook for a birthday gift but then, dad didn't give me any money. He won't and mom is already off with Sourav so I couldn't ask for any help.
All I could do was wish her 'Happy Birthday' just like the rest of the world. I decided to give her a nickname so that no body would ever know that I love her and she will not have to face any humiliation. That name is Rukmini, Rukmini Raichand.

My throat went absolutely dry at the last sentence. I had never known that Sumedh had been hiding so many secrets all through. I looked at Radhika nervously before turning the page.
The handwriting looked different, as if it is had been written after Sumedh had grown up.

14th March
After all that letter I sent to the publisher had been accepted and now I can start my writing career under my pen name, S. R. Raichand. I just hope Radhika will read what I write from somewhere, somehow.. If fate allows.

I shut the diary and looked at Radhika. The letter beside her was definitely the acceptance letter.
" Did you find him? ", she asked in a voice which seemed emotionless thought a great sense of hurt could be felt.
I gulped feeling worse.
" No.. I.. I don't know where he is... Couldn't find a trace of him..", I said as I felt like crying. Losing a friend like Sumedh was more like losing your most prized possession.
Radhika didn't move, say  motionlessly and said in the saddest tone ever possible,
" He loved me.. I didn't. He was the man I always loved.. He didn't know. And when I know everything.. He is no more.. Why is it so? Why? ", she said the last word looking up at me as I looked away... Unable to hide my tears anymore.. Was this the end?


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