Chapter nineteen

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"I'm sorry," that made her feet felt cold.

When she recover herself,she pushed him away,stepped back,away from him while wiping her tears. His effect on her is still the same,she's worried she'll get burn once again.

"It was too late,Thaddeus,your apologies is five years late,words has been said,pain has been inflicted"

This is not about her or him,this is about the children now,her children.

"We live here in peace for the passed years,my kids are used being around me,if you are planning to take them away from me,I am telling you now,I will never give them up without a fight" with now a blazing eyes,she look at him straight in the eye.

He step forward,she step backward. His arms that about to reach her,ignored.

"I am not taking them away from you" in a calm tone he said "I want them to know me as their father,not a stranger,not someone they just knew"

"Why the sudden change of mind? What if I told you that you are not the father? That it was none other than Sandro? I slept with him according to your sister,don't you think it's  too suspicious when you,always,used protection? D...."

"Stop! Stop it! They are mine,they are my flesh and blood" Thaddeus profusely cut her off.

I shook my head and continuously get on with my words.

"Do you know how good he made me scream in bed?" I grinned seeing him fuming mad right now "he is such a wonderful lover" he forcefully grabbed her elbow in very tight grip "It was still clear in my mind like it just happened yesterday,Sandro i,,ahh..! "

Thaddeus dragged her back inside her house,it was now clear in her sight. His face is red all over,his eyes full of hatred,fire,danger.

He closed the door behind us and pushed me on the wall. I don't know why but I found it entertaining to see him like he is about to kill me. He is ready to kill me because of so much ire in his blazing eyes.

Surprisingly she didn't feel threaten at all.

She levelled her eyes to meet his,not feeling scared of what he can do to her.

"What are you going to do to me now,Mr.Xenakis? Get rid of me? Go! be my guest"

She knew she's playing a very dangerous game but she can't stop herself. It was uplifting,it made her feels so good,it made her feel free.

"Don't push my buttons,Farah,not because you are the mother of my children,doesn't mean I can't do you any harm"

"They are not yours!" She spatted "they are somebody else's children" another grinned draw in her lips "you are not the only one who can make me scream with so much pleasure Mr.Xenakis,I have men lined up behind your back,they also made me feel so good,I survived days and weeks without you warming my bed because you were busy running your company,you forgot you had a girlfriend waiting for you,you forgot that you had a girlfriend wanting to be beside you all the time,,and guess what? I found my way to satisfy my cravings from your absence,,I entertained men,men who are begging for my attention,men who are willing to give me their time,men that are ready to satisfy the lust inside me.."

"Fuck you,woman!" He hissed lightly undertone,but the fire burning intensity of anger in his eyes,remain.

He must still be thinking about the children that are already been asleep for an hour now.

"Oh yeah,baby,they fucked me hard" never mind the physical pain brought by the tight hold of his hands on her neck and on her waist.

The devil in him is coming out,she had never seen it before.

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