Chapter eighteen

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"Thaddeus,can you just please let me be,you want to look after your daughter,it's okay with me" though,at the back of my mind it was not okay.

She's getting pissed each minute that passed since they have arrived home. His presence is not welcome in her house but she don't have a choice. Her daughter wants her father that's why she let him in.

"I want to know where they study" he keeps insisting to come with her to pick up Kairos and Iyonna.

"How about Ariadna? She can't be alone,are you even thinking? She's sleeping" His jaw clenched,but I don't care.

"Why? Are you meeting up with someone there?" she got annoyed hearing that from him.

Her teeth gritted behind her lips,her rage is building higher.

"Say whatever you think,I don't care! I have children to pick up,so,don't you dare leave Ariadna alone,,I will never forgive you until I die if something wrong happen to my daughter,Thaddeus,I mean it" she left him stunned.

Immediately,she ride her car and drove off. Her fingers are shaking,yet she managed to arrived safe in her destination. She stayed inside the car for a little while,settling her emotions.

By the time she calmed down,it's time for her to pick up the kids. Parents,nannies and guardians are there to pick up their kids,like her. Just like the usual,she would smile to those who she knew and had a little chat for those who approached her.

Kairos and Iyonna are patiently waiting inside their room with Iyonna's teacher watching over them. Ariadna's teacher was standing next to the door of her classroom. She gave me a smile,I greeted her,I told her Aia will resume school tomorrow.

"Mama!" The kids greeted her with hugs on both her sides.

"How was school?" She asked,walking back to the car park.

Iyonna is skipping,holding my left hand for support. While kairos walk next to me,holding the hem of my cardigan.

"It's good,mama,I told my classmate that papa is already home" Iyonna's smiling,it was actually a grinned,she can't help but see how happy her daughter is.

"Me too,mama" kairos butted in "I want papa to take us to school one day so I can show him to my friends"

It's becoming harder and harder for her to keep distance between her children and Thaddeus.

"Is papa home now,mama?" Kairos asked.

"Yes,your papa is home,looking after your sister" she simply answer.

"Really,mama" they chorused.

"Yes,so,please behave when we arrive home,your sister is not totally well and talk to your father,too" they look at each other,knowingly.

I badly wanted to tell them that their father is not staying with us for long. That sooner or later he will leave us to comeback to his own world. Where they don't belong,in his world where people like him only exists.

They are very hopeful that their father will never leave them anymore. But I know better,I know that his presence here will not last long. He can't leave his business for long,run by anyone,I know how dedicated he is. It's one of the reasons in their fights before,he is so busy,he hardly spend time with her. Even that whole year they've moved in together.

Paradise in between chaseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang