Chapter 12.

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Hidan's blood went cold in that moment. It's like the world was in slow motion. Kakuzu was leaning in slowly, his lips pressing against hers, his hands caressing her face.. her kissing him back and pulling him closer. Hidan felt the hatred and pain rise up in his body. Mira is his. He couldn't help it, he stood up and ripped Kakuzu away from her. He pulled his scythe from his back and held it out. "You bastard!" Hidan screamed as he charged at Kakuzu. Kakuzu moved out of the way. Mira watched terrified. Within moments, they were hitting each other, things were breaking.

Mira was mortified. It was then that the rest of the Akatsuki were introduced to the fight as a hole was blasted through, and Hidan and Kakuzu went flying through it, right into the room where they held meetings. That's where the rest of the Akatsuki currently were. Mira immediately jumped up and ran out - she couldn't believe that they were fighting. Fighting over her. "Hidan, stop please!" Mira called but it fell deaf on his ears. She was terrified. They would rip each other apart. "Kakuzu.. please. Don't hurt him. Stop," Mira pleaded.

Kakuzu's gaze turned to Mira and he looked like he was about to reply until Hidan slammed his fist into his face, sending him flying. "Damn.. lovers spat," She heard Deidara whisper to Sasori. He nodded in agreement. "I never thought Kakuzu and Hidan would ever find a girl.." Kisame muttered. "Hidan stop!" Mira couldn't help it. She screamed out in frustration. Why wouldn't that idiot listen! "PLEASE! DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!" She finally screamed. Her eyes widened at the words that slipped out. Both Kakuzu and Hidan froze. "What?" They said at the same time. Mira froze - she couldn't believe she had said that.

"I.. I.. I said.. don't make me choose. I can't. I never felt like this before. I never had these feelings. And now I have feelings.. for you both. I.. I can't choose." Mira cried out, she couldn't stop the tears that fell. She felt so weak. All because of her stupid human body. She fell to her knees, covering her face. "I'm a horrible person. I'm so sorry," She cried. Hidan looked like he was in pain. Kakuzu walked over and embraced her. "I won't make you choose. You can decide on your own. Whoever wins you heart, is the one you will be with. But I will never you leave," Kakuzu whispered as he stroked her hair.

"You will always have me," He finished. Mira clutched onto him. Kakuzu had made it that much harder. Kakuzu showed his feelings - and he was someone she never thought would show any. But Hidan.. Hidan refused his feelings. He refused them until he couldn't hold anger in anymore and he would burst. Like just then. He had admitted he cared, but not how much. Which resulted in this. He attacked Kakuzu because Kakuzu made the first official move.

Mira looked at up Hidan with tear streaked cheeks. "Hida-kun.." She said. He looked torn, she could see it in his beautiful eyes. "I need some time alone." And just like that, Hidan had left. Mira clutched tighter onto Kakuzu. It was then that she remembered she had an audience. She wiped her eyes and stood up straight, pulling Kakuzu with her. "I'm sorry," She bowed to the others. She felt so ashamed at what happened. "It was entertaining Mira-chan! Can Tobi join in on the love triangle pleaseee~?" Tobi half pleaded/joked. Mira frowned, "Tobi.. it's not funny. One of them is going to end up seriously hurt," she scolded.

Tobi made a noise like a dog whining. "B-but Tobi wants to love you too!" He cried. Mira looked over at Kakuzu who didn't look pleased. "I don't need to compete against another guy. The answer is no. Find yourself your own girl," Kakuzu grumbled. Tobi looked deflated as he sat on the ground. "Fine," He said like a child who just got his favorite toy taken from him. It was strange really, she could see the power radiate from him but.. he acted like a child.

Mira and Kakuzu both apologized before dismissing themselves and retreating outside and sitting underneath some trees. "Mira, I'm sorry about what happened. I know that wasn't right," Kakuzu said, his cheeks a little red. "It's fine Kuzu," Mira replied, watching his cheeks redden at his nickname. "Kuzu?" He questioned and Mira grinned. "That's my nickname for you!" She replied happily. Kakuzu looked like he was thinking before he smiled, "Alright. Call me Kuzu then. But only you," He taunted. Mira grinned before kissing him on the cheek. Kakuzu smiled before kissing Mira on the lips, surprising her. But it was a welcome surprise.

She felt guilt in her stomach though. Her heart longed for Hidan. She didn't know why.. Maybe it was how blunt he was. She missed him. 'Hidan.. why couldn't you be the one kissing me?'


Hidan sat near a river, throwing rocks into the water. He felt so ashamed. Kakuzu was going to win. He could feel it. But.. Mira was his. He could feel it in his heart. He felt a connection - a strong connection. But.. he had swallowed her blood. Maybe that's what created the connection. Deep down he hoped what he felt, was what she was feeling.

"Mira.." He whispered, he wasn't sure how to express his feelings. He wanted to hold her, kiss her. He wanted to wake up next to her face for the rest of his life. He wanted to live with her. He wanted to be with her. His heart kept telling him, she's your soul mate. Take her. But his head told him otherwise. That isn't who Hidan is. He's a tough guy, he doesn't show emotions except when hes killings. But why then? Why did he want to let his shield down around her? Why did he want to show her who he truly is deep down? It was in that moment that he realized.

"I love her."

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