Chapter 3.

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Mira walked through the swamp, trying to avoid all the spider webs they came across and to not fall into the swamp water. Mira glanced over at Pein who seemed to be unaffected by the terrain. "Couldn't we have taken a different shortcut?" I grimaced as I lifted my foot up to see slugs on my boot. I turned my head and glared at Pein as he just raised an eyebrow, "No, it would have been to obvious," He nudged his head to his cloak and I couldn't help but frown before peeling the slugs off and trudging on wards.

As we finally neared a cabin, I immediately kicked in the door and trudged down the long stairway before kicking in another door where a few males and single female stood. "You guys fucking suck," I sneered as I made my way forward and kicked my boots off and glaring at the grime that covered them. Pein walked in not long after, "This is Mira Yamamoto, she will be joining us as of recently," Pein turned his head to look at me for a second before sighing, "She has quite an attitude as well," Pein warned them before turning away.

I rolled my eyes and glanced over at the males, I remembered the only two of them, the others remained unknown apart from Itachi Uchiha, he had been one of their own in Konoha sometime ago. I gave the others a once over before gazing at Pein, "I see you do things in pairs, will I be alone?" I rose an eyebrow as I looked at my 'Leader'. "For now you will but eventually I will pair you up with one of them and when they aren't on a mission with their original partner they'll be with you," Pein explained.

I sighed and nodded my head, "Alright then, what are my sleeping arrangements?" Pein grunted and sent me an annoyed look, "You ask too many questions, clearly we haven't gotten around to organizing that much yet,"Pein sighed and I found myself smirking in amusement, "If possible, I'd like to share a room with the only pair that isn't somewhat perverted, perhaps inhuman?" I questioned, gazing at Pein once again. I heard a loud laugh erupt from one of the men, one that I recognized and the one that stabbed me, thankfully my wounds heal quite extraordinarily fast when I feed.

"Well, there's Tobi and Deidara or Itachi and Kisame," Pein muttered and I pursed my lips before looking at all of them, "Which one is Tobi and Deidara?" I looked over at Pein who pointed a blonde and a guy wearing a mask. "Alright, I'll stay with those two," I glanced over at Pein who nodded his head, "That's less work to do then," Pein grumbled before leaving the room, "Make yourself acquainted," Being the last thing he said. I grimaced and looked at everyone before cracking my neck, "Alright, give me your names then," I forced a polite smile.


"You're not half bad Deidara," I said as I watched him create little birds and other things, "You ready un!?" Deidara grinned and I nodded and watched as everything exploded as Deidara said one word, "Katsu!" I was amazed at his work and found myself intrigued, as did Tsubaki who seemed to enjoy this place quite a lot. "I'd ask you to teach me but I'm more for swords, ya know?" I looked over at him who seemed to grin before winking at me. "I can see, someone of your stature must adore swords," Deidara joked before laughing uncontrollably.

I rolled my eyes before standing up, "I better go speak to Tobi otherwise he'll be upset," I waved goodbye to Deidara before sitting with Tobi who was sitting alone eating a dango. "How do you like the Akatsuki so far Mira-chan?" Tobi turned to face me, "It's not half bad but I've only really spoke to you and Deidara, there was Pein but I don't like him," I turned my gaze to Tobi who nodded his head, "I understand Mira-chan," Tobi turned his head away with a dango in his hand, "You're one strange ninja," I whispered to myself.

Tobi turned back to me with his mouth full, "You said something?" I smiled slightly and shook my head, "I didn't say a word," I stood up and stretched slightly, "I think I'll share a bed with you-" I glared at the slick backed white haired man in front of me, "Tobi's already getting a piece of the new girl? Damn he moves fast!" He laughed and I frowned, "I'm Hidan by the way," He smirked down at me and I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm Mira but I presume you already know that," I turned my gaze away.

Tobi started to laugh and I smirked to myself, "I even have a photo to match," Hidan winked and I found myself grimacing, "Let me guess, the wanted poster? You're not the only one," I spat back at him which caused him to frown, "You have other men fawning over your beauty I take it?" He frowned again, "That's something expected," He laughed nervously before rushing off. I looked over at Tobi who was facing me. "Hidan is so weird," Tobi said straight up before turning away and tracing his finger on the table and creating drawings on the table.

I watched him as he etched things onto the table before he stopped and faced me, "Let's go to mine and Deidara-chan's room!" Tobi jumped up and I watched him cautiously before standing up. Tobi took my hand and pulled me down a corridor until we ended up a navy blue door, Tobi opened the door and pulled me in and shut it. I examined the pictures hung up on the wall before seeing Deidara fast asleep in the bed opposite to the one that Tobi was sitting, gently patting the spot next to him. "Bed time!" Tobi yelled.


Hidan laid on his bed, staring up at the roof, his mind wondering to the girl that slept in the room next to him. Hidan's mind pondered as to why her blood tasted so strange so he sat up and sat down at the altar and shut his eyes. "Her blood was rotten and stale, she reminded me of the dead," Hidan spoke to his Lord Jashin, telling him about the girl in the woods. The girl who was undead, Hidan had tasted the blood of the dead. Hidan opened his eyes and sighed, still not knowing the girls secret.

Hidan grunted as he stood up, not in the mood to wait for a reply, he sat down on his bed. Hidan, startled by the sudden presence, slipped off his bed and hit his head. He let out a loud groan and cussed his partner out, "Pay more attention to your surroundings or someone might just kill you," Kakuzu snickered at his airhead partner. Hidan grimaced and pulled himself up, "Shut it stitches," Hidan spat back and threw his Akatsuki cloak onto the edge of his bed and examined his well built torso before cracking his back then laying down.

Kakuzu raised an eyebrow and pulled his 'mask' off and let his hair fall down before removing his cloak and shoes, laying down in his bed. Hidan glanced over and kicked his shoes off, "What do you think about Mira?" Hidan finally asked, breaking the silence. Kakuzu grunted before replying, "She seems like she can fight pretty well and defend, she did survive your hit after all and escape," Kakuzu pointed out causing Hidan to frown, "I didn't mean her skills old man, I mean't of her in general," Hidan replied, clearly annoyed with his partner who snickered in amusement.

"She's cute, I can't comment about her attitude as I haven't spoken to her alone, but so far she reminds me of a nicer you," Kakuzu couldn't help the laugh that had escaped his lips when Hidan had thrown a kunai at Kakuzu. Hidan sat up and looked at his partner, "Let's just say you ended up liking her somewhat, what would you do?" Hidan questioned his partner who sat up and raised an eyebrow, "I'd probably kill to be with her, not everyday I find myself attracted to someone," Kakuzu shrugged his shoulders as Hidan immediately zipped his lips.

"Why do you ask?" Kakuzu questioned as he laid back down, that question alone caused Hidan's mind to ponder about the girl. "I'm unsure, I've just been curious, ya know," Hidan sighed and laid back and threw the blanket over him. Kakuzu let out a sigh, "Just go to sleep and don't over think it, you may be immortal but that doesn't mean you're not an idiot," Kakuzu grumbled and turned off the lamp beside him. Hidan sighed and turned off his lamp and shut his eyes, relaxing his body and folding his arms underneath his head. "Goodnight," Hidan muttered.

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