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The Clean Slate

Now it's time to start all over. Now that you have removed everything out of your way, rebuilding must take place.

There are many directions that you can go in, but the key is ensuring that you do not go backwards. At this point, you will feel very light and have the urge to want to activate the greatness that is already inside of you.

As you go through this, your first step should be putting a plan in place to continue in a clean path. Set some goals that you want to achieve for self in betterment, not "expectations".

So the first step?
Specify your Goals and Stay Away from expectations.

Here is something that I've found in my 22 years of living, Goals and expectations are two different things. They are easily confused because a goal is something you work towards and envision, but so is expectation. The difference is, expectation gives you false hope, it causes you to work towards a fantasy.

When something fails the first thought is "this was not what I EXPECTED" . You see, the reason why we end up at stop lights and dead ends many times is because we go in expecting, but don't go in with the mindset to just work hard, dive in and see the results unfold. Expectations are birthed by expectations. They are sourced by the things around us, by other people's perspectives and by other people's successes in the same things we want to pursue. When we see things, we expect them to flow just as good or expect to receive the same feedback. I can remember when I thought about going to college and seeing other people's successes and how easy it seemed to be for some and it made me think the others that said it was a, struggle was lying. And boy did I find out I was absolutely wrong. I expected to just come here do what I had to do and it would all be okay, but in the process I realised I had to dig even deeper in order to get there. I built this expectation of my life being easy because I was working, but the thing is it was easy for me to imagine when I didn't know the struggle as yet. Not saying this to discourage you, but just to let you see how powerful expectations are, I was caught up in a fantasy until reality brought me back to earth. Expectations are easily seen as a goal because it starts from a good place, the need to be better, the need to excel.

A goal is specific, it's precise. Goals are plans made in order to give you guidance, through that experiences bring validity. In your new found journey, think about the things you've always wanted to accomplish, but got too distracted to work towards them. Set out to achieving these things as a goal. Bare in mind, sometimes you may not achieve them on the first try, but patience and perseverance is the key to making it all happen, and God's perfect timing will allow it to fall into place.

Getting rid of negative people.

Plain and simple, the people that were in your life before, that lead you to the point where you were broken and confused? Let them GO. It's time now to put your foot down and let them know that they are no longer needed.

Often times we say we start of clean but we go back to the same old habits when it gets too hard, or we don't feel normal anymore. The whole point of a clean slate is to reconstruct your life and find new means of living. Explore new and positive possibilities, go out and surround yourself with people with positive thoughts and common interests. Get involved in things that will drive you in the direction of your Goals, and add fuel to your dreams. Allow your mind to be relaxed and free from toxicity. Right now, it must be weird to feel this happy and this free when you've been suffering from turmoil for so long. It sounds insane but it happens, life is going so good till you start to get suspicious and wonder when something bad will creep up.

That usually causes distractions from what you should be seeing. When these thoughts come in, remind yourself of where you used to be, remind yourself of the struggle and how hard you worked to get up out of your stench and start the clean up in your life. Remember  where God brought you from. Remember your story, but do not relive it, let it be your motivation!

Repositioning Energy

A switch in the energy you produce and receive everyday, has a major affect on your progress in your new found journey. You have made the decision to change it is now time to step out of the negative energy.

In order to turn it around into positive energy, release every emotion into working hard. Push every action into a positive motion. This will cause it to convert into something that you never thought you could accomplish.

There was a story about a girl that was affected by a bet someone had made. The guy that made the bet had to snatch of her wig in front of the whole school and in the process some of her was ripped out. Unfortunately she suffered from eczema and psoriasis and that was why she even wore a wig to cover it up. But a negative  impact pushed her to turn it into a positive outcome. She shaved her head bald, and now she has found she is more confident and feels even better, because she did not bow to negative impacts, she used it to create positivity not just for herself but for others.
Let your negative past enhance your positive  future. Let it be a stepping stool in order to achieve your new found goals.


"No one tears a piece of cloth from a new garment and puts it on an old garment; otherwise he will both tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled out, and the skins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins."
—Luke 5:36-38 (NASB)

As you go through a new path, God will surely be there to cheer you on and to guide you. Do not be afraid to ask him for guidance, do not be afraid when things look like they're falling off course. God always has a plan to give you more, to give you what you desire.

Knowingly we will fall, and God will always be there to guide you through it. However be mindful, you have to give God something to work with. Meaning you have to put in the work, present to him what you want, and he will help you decide what is best for you. Remember faith without works is dead, but work without faith is also dead.

Hope this addition helped you all! Sorry for the long wait, hopefully another chapter will be up sooner! Don't forget to vote, comment and share with a friend. Also do not forget to create a account if you don't have one, and add this book to your library to receive notifications on updates 😘! Have blessed and productive week!

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