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God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And Wisdom to know the difference.

Most of you are here because of trial and failures. Now being there constantly myself, I've learnt some valuable lessons and picked up some major tips. The main one is allowing God to lead.

Truth is, with God's guidance about the people we are attracted to and if it's in His will, it is what we should be doing.

However before we can even get to all that, we first have to build a relationship with him in order to know where he's leading us. Through out this book, we will be going in stages, starting with ourselves, building our confidence, knowing exactly what we want and where we would like to go, and most importantly loving ourselves.


With that being said, having an account on Wattpad would be the best option to keep up with updates. The updates for this book may not be as active as my previous book (if you are a reoccurring reader). If you choose not to get an account, I will be posting the link everytime update on my social media sites. If you don't have them, it's in my bio on my profile. Non the less I look forward to writing this! I hope this will help you in your journey forward.

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