Taking in a few deep breaths, I close my eyes.

"our dear Moon Goddess, show me your ways, save me from this bond and grand me a new one, none of us is worthy, but I. I need your help." I slowly open my eyes to see its not daylight anymore, it's night, the moon is at its fullest right above me, panic settles into me like a spider crawling up my spine, spinning around to figure out where I am but to my luck, I am near a place I don't know.

"It's alright, calm down" a sweet and kind voice says behind me, turning around, I am met with the most beautiful women I can lay eyes on, her green eyes and silky black hair, and her flawless white dress that ends at her feet. Her kind face and her presence brings joy and peace to my heart. And that's how I knew she is the Moon Goddess.

"how-.. Am I dead?" I ask a bit to fast, this is overwhelming to me in so many ways, she smiles softly as she made her way toward me.

"No, you are just visiting me. I had heard your call, what is it you need child?" she asks so gentle, it's almost to hard to catch, swollowing a lump in my throat, trying to catch what I needed and then it came to me again. The bond.

"Why are we still bonded?" I ask slowly, she seems surprised by my question.

"because you didn't fully accept the rejection, for that you have to out your heart into it" she muttered. How can she say that? I did.

"but I did accept it?" was more of a question. My heart is racing in my chest, so this means we are somewhat still mates?

"No, you accepted it out of hate" she corrects, blinking my eyes rapidly, she is right. I did it out of hate.

"Can you take the bond away?" I hopefully ask, she only nods but soon gave me a serious expression.

"I can. But, it will hurt you badly, you will go through pain that you never knew existed, therefore I will go gentle, you will feel the pain, and I will grand you you're second mate" she says, she seems so calm and it frightens me actually, I would rather go through that pain as what I am bonded to someone that I can't be with, giving her a strong nod.

"Very well, as you wish. You will go back now, and I will send your mate in your path, good luck child" she smiles, before I could say anything my vision went black and I could feel that I am laying on ground.

Opening my eyes, I'm staring straight into the sun, shutting my eyes of its burn I sit up as my eyes adjust but I didn't even have time to do that before a wave of pain went through my chest.

This is it, our bond is breaking, the moon Goddess has kept to her word. Curling myself in a ball on the ground, the pain seems to get worse by the second, it feels like my heart is pulling and ripping out of my chest, tears streaming down my cheeks of the intense pain, screaming at the top of my lungs, I can't breath, I can't move. Maybe I am dying.

My claws are extended as I try to move but it's no use, the pain keeps me pin on the ground. Screaming another time, I let my agony carry my voice, it's not long before I heard voices but I didn't bother to shut my mouth as another scream escapes into the summery day, I want to claw my heart out at hopes the pain would stop but it didn't.

"Call doctor Matthew's!" I can hear someone yell a few feet away from me. I didn't bother to open my eyes, the pain is getting worse.

"Oh my God! FAITH!!??" I could hear Beverly's voice as her feet running to my side, I could hear her panic as sense her destress, finally opening my eyes, I could see a ground all around me, including Zack.

"Get.. Them away from me. NOW!" I chocked out, it isn't easy to talk with this pain, I'm dying inside, and they are enjoying every last moment of it.

"move! Give her some space!" she yells at them. They slowly moved a few feet backwards as Matthew's comes to my side with a Aiding Kit back.

"What is wrong?" he asked as he takes my wrist and placing two fingers on it to feel my heart beat.

"only my mate can help me" I whispered out, Zack doesn't move a muscle, he knows we aren't mates anymore.

"Sweety, you don't have a mate" Matthew tried to assure me, my hope in finding my second mate is dying also, she said she will send him to my rescue, feeling more tears roll down my cheek. I can't do this.

My head was being lifted, who ever this person was, he was my mate, sparks flew all over my neck as he laid my head on his lap, stroking my cheek so gently, opening my eyes to reveal who my second half was... I was shocked to say the least, I never expected him to be my mate, his beautiful brown eyes with his dark brown hair and that smile that Will always brighten up my day.


Mmm well OK. They both lost their true mate so, they are lucky, hope you enjoyed!

Lots of love


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