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Hi, I'm Jewel and I think wattpad is a gift from The Lord. Writing for me is an escape, an escape from the hell we call outside. :)

If there was something that I loved even more than writing, it would be music. Or even better, making music. When I'm not here on wattpad, I'm singing, writing songs, and playing my guitar religiously. ❤️

I have an obsession with Stephen King, John Green, E.E. Cummings and Authors of the 18th century.

I know every Paramore song there is, their lyrics are engraved into my brain.

I spend my time decoding meanings and messages in Lyrics and Literature. I spend my time decoding Taylor Swift songs. (I believe she's a genius.) I spend my time eating cupcakes, and I spend my time serial reading books.

I have a tendency to fall in love with fictional characters. Okay? Okay.

I excel in procrastination. *Cough Cough* Wattpad's fault  *Cough*

I used to have a real problem adding comas in my writing where they didn't need to be. All essays I turned in as a kid had millions of x's on them because my teachers would cross out the pointless, extra comas I added in. (This is a sensitive subject for me.)

Bad boys are my weakness, but only in fiction. C'mon guys, we all know that bad boys in real life aren't nearly cool, that's why we make them up.

I'm sarcastic, hence the username.

I read the dictionary when I'm bored. (I'm just kidding, I read it in my leisure time as well.)

I'm very forgiving towards fictional characters that break my heart and stab my back repeatedly.

I know. After hearing all of these facts about me, it's very apparent that I lead quite the exciting life. Anyways, I just want to say to all my followers, or just people out there that are reading my stories, thank you. Stay Awesome, Gotham.

P.S. I love Comic books, and Batman.


Twitter: @SarcasticpoetXx


ME: 1) What's your favorite tv show? Why?

SarcasticPoet675: . My favorite tv show is "How I Met Your Mother". I just love that show, granted the series finale was slightly disappointing, but it will always be my favorite. The characters are really just what kept me watching, they're all perfect, (especially Barney Stinson). I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've died laughing from all of their jokes and witty personalities :)

ME: 2) If given the opportunity to invent something effortlessly, what would it be?

SarcasticPoet675: If I could invent anything effortlessly, it would definitely be a time traveling machine. (I know, how original, right?) Just thinking about zooming into the future or popping into the past really makes me mad because it probably will never happen. *Ugly cries* Also, historical fiction is my Achilles heel, and nothing would make me happier than going back in time to see all of my literary heroes, and living the stories I grew up hearing. :)

A/N - Follow this lovely person!

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