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Something about me...uhm...uhm? O_o INDIAN!

A - Anamika says Hi ! and gives you a breath-taking bear-hug( literally! )

B - Back to december--> a teenege romance comedy, go down to check it out...

C - Cameras are my life and photography is my oxygen!!

D - Directioner...1D

E - Enrique..I LOVE YOU! :*

F - Friends are the most grawsome(great + awesome) creatures on earth.

G - Gum are my stress busters..though I have been in trouble at school for that( various times)

H - Humanity's enemy--> a poem i dedicated to all those who are fighting cancer.

I - Is is the same for you --> a poem I have written about heart break(my most successful work)

J - Jack out of the box--thats what I am always!!

K - Knight-in-armour of my life. I am waiting for you!!

L - Love is a pure word...though never experienced it... :-/

M - Music? Can you hear me?? What would I do without you!! Mumbai meri jaan!!

N - Night walks are my hobby

O - Orange is a weird colour( my inner thought out loud)

P - gottta problem with that?!

Q - Queen of my dont mess with me...LOL

R - Rachel, Ross? You people always make my day!! I absolutely adore F.R.I.E.N.D.S

S - Sister-like best friends out here in wattpad..they are A.M.A.ZI.N.G @Anghellic_1498 ,@Chakshu , @xxDeathEaterxx ,@BhavyaMathur ,@jonicajohny

T - Tees and will always find me in these(hey that actually rhymes!!)

U - i love U, for reading all this till here

V - V (thats U and Me) will make amazing pm me whenever needed...

W - Wierdo me!! I am so wierd that I talk to myself every hour....

X - X?! X?! Do words exist from X?? I dont think letter please....

Y - Yacht riding is too good!! ^_^ I wish I could live in one.

Z - Zoozoos, you people are so cute!!

Are you reading this?? You survived reading through all that $hit!! Dude, I think you landed from mars.... A massive thanks for checking out my loooonnngg profile..

I love you..uummmmahhh :**

ME: 1) did u become an active member on wattpad as soon as u joined? 2)how did u discover wattpad? friends? google search ?
(so this unique personality answered both questions in one go)

anamikaprashant: well the answers to your questions is a pretty long story..

so Once upon a time... okay lets just cut that crap! :P

 well, i one day i was just randomly browsing when i cam across wattpad. i thought the site was pretty cool as i loved writing as well as reading...i joined in but then i completely forgot about it...that was the day of 8th september, 2012.

later when i checked my inbox after about 12 days i saw the welcome letter...i was shocked as i had completely forgotten about it. i investigated more about the site whether it was safe and all that and then edited my profile, and posted my first work to just test how wattpad works( which was a school assignment which i had already saved in my lappy some months ago, i.e., my laptop:P)...

so thats both your answers in one story! :D

enjoy your day and i hope you didn't sleep

off reading this boring story* crosses fingers*

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