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Time to change this suys! 

Okay, so I know that you guys don't want the usual and oh-so-boring known facts about me ;) And hence, this bish shall not even try that :P 

But for those who don't know me? The quick brush up~

The name is censored. The age is not needed. The weight? Do you really need that part? XP 

Hmmm...Now back to me facts, shall we? :P

☆ I contradict my own statements many a times ;P Onee minute I'm like this, and the next like that xD 

★ I always want to be right! You try to prove me wrong and I'll declare a war on you babes ;)

♡ I have this extremely weird habit of getting INTO any show that I am watching. Be it any! EVEN THE WORST OF ALL! I'll watch it with the utmost concentration xP 

♥ Another habit? When I talk, I make these major hand gestures and I end up either~

(A) Hurting myself or

(B) Hurting the one I'm talking to :P 

☆ Many times, I'm misinterpreted to be the quiet, shy and ever so serious kid... But just tell me one thing, WHERE DID THAT IDEA COME FROM?! :O I can't stay still for even 5 minutes. I'd break into a dance, sing worse than a donkey drowning or just run around the room with my hands up in the air screaming (that scares my mother more than anything xD) but NOT stay still!!! *grins like a kid high on sugar candy*

★ Till date, I've made several guys cry although only two were intentionally. And yes, am taken by an amazing guy...who lives in the future ;) or maybe not :P

♡ I love listening to people talk. It fascinates me in a weird way. But mind it, if I start, its hard to stop my pointless blabbering xP I've been told that I am really good at distracting people! I know baby, I'm awesome ;)

♥There would be a great number of names to mention because I love many <3

@iloveromances We all need a friend like her :*@ItsRainingChocolates She's a master piece! @AnamikaKukreja Badass yet angel-like daughter of mine ;) @rohit6997 Twins for life! :P@leedbookie She's famous and MY sister :* 

That's it ♡

Love! :*


ME : which of your works is the closest to your heart?

Zoredbird : The closest to my heart, amongst my works, has to be 'When I'm Gone.' It's my baby. And many of it is connected to my own life. Not directly but yes, indirectly, a lot.

ME:  if there was just one thing you could add to your bio, what would that be?

Zoredbird:  Hahaha so this is the tougher question. Ummm... I think I would've wished to add a little something for any 'hater' of mine? (I really have no idea if I do have any, but hey! 'Play safe and Think Smart' should be the motto.) So umm yes, it would probably go like the classic : Dear Haters, I would like to bring to your notice, that... AwesoME ends with 'ME' and Ugly starts with 'U'.

I think it's simple and speaks for itself... It does, right? :P

A\N -- So wat do u think?

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