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I am like a Phoenix, reborn from the dark ashes though they try to suffocate me.

I have this really bad habit lately of hurting myself whether it is whacking my arm on a desk or stubbing my toe on a table. It is starting to get really annoying.

Love getting to know new people so if for some bizarre reason you want to get to know me then send me a message. It would be awesome to talk to you.

People always try to tell me they like my books but I am so hard on myself and don't agree with any of them. Though the comments are amazing and they make my day when I read them.

If you want to know something about me, then I shall tell you that I am a 14 year old girl who was born and breed in New Zealand. I go to high school and love writing... and Raspberry Iced Tea. They taste like someone put heaven in a bottle, not even kidding.

You see those lovely locks I have in my profile picture, yeah, all of that hair is gone now. That photo was taken just before I got all of my hair shaved off to raise money for cancer. Do I regret it, no. Would I do it again if I still had long hair, yeah. It's for a great cause.

I should probably go before I start waffling on. Don't forget to check out my books. :)

Insanity and Hugs,


ME: 1) It's really great what you're doing in support of cancer patients. Do you mind elaborating your effort for the benefit of the readers?

xSimonex: I put a whole bunch of time into raising money and being as I was the only girl in my school doing it I seemed to get that little bit more from people. Then I just got all my hair shaved of on the say of shave for a cure and the money went to cancer which I absolutely love.

ME: 2) Seeing from your profile you seem to like birds. So if given a choice to be a bird which bird would you like to be and why?

xSimonex : I would definitely be an owl! For some reason I just really love them. They're my favourite animal. I have these owl earrings I wear all the time.

I would be an owl because of the fact that they are nocturnal and I am for sure a night person. And also there is just something about them that speaks amazing to me.


Follow up. Also, if she provides any inspiration, help the cause of cancer. Do your part. Great job Simone.

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