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'One of the guys.' Isn't this what most of us use to describe Anamika? Some call her a Tomboy, while others call her a WildCat and the rest call her a plain, simple boy. So how did this all happen? Let me tell you.

Once upon a time, not quite long ago, the world wasn't as happy as a place it used to be. The male species had become more reckless and the female species more uptight. The two tribes were shifting apart, which was a matter of concern! This is when God decided to go undercover at this awesomesauce resort at Hawaii and start his new masterpiece. A month later, this masterpiece was born, however they had forgotten to name her and hence the name Anamika, which meant 'Anonymous', fell.

Now, I could go into the entire details of this young girl but that wasn't why I'm here. And although I know that I should be writing about her so that you know her better, I would still not write about her because to get to know her you should talk to her. I don't see the point in reading about someone anyways. Plus, it's plain creepy out there and so I can't risk it.

Back to the main topic, so you see, people think she's a messenger between the two different species of Humans. Again, so what if she likes her faded blue jeans and prefers her lucky Batman tee over a designer skirt? At least she won't fake it. That doesn't make her a bad person at all. In fact, every bit of her bursts with beauty and goodness. Learn to accept that people.


Dear Kuki,

I honestly don't know why I posted this but I really felt like it. You're already perfect to the people who love you. And it isn't because they're blind but it's because they understand you and your shortcomings and they let you be incredible and perfect with them.


MACHEEZ MAHILA MANDAL ~ @iloveromances @ItsRainingChocolates @Zoredbird @Persian_Cat


I thought it was time for a 'Bio-Change' but was too selfish to let anyone else do it. And I won't apologise for that :P

Love, Me <3

1) Checks, polka dots or frills? Which one would you pick?

AnamikaKukreja:  I'm more of a checks girl :) polka dots are too fancy And frills just too girly :/

2)Favorite E-book community or site other than wattpad?

AnamikaKukreja: I love Kindle Kobo and Wattpad is just <3

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