Heartbreak & Tears

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Naylah's P.O.V.

I have been through so much in my life, especially with my husband. I'm such a fool and even though I can admit that to myself now, I'm afraid that if given another chance with him, I would jump at the opportunity. I love that man with every fiber, bone, blood vessel and organ in my body, and all he did was hurt me and broke my heart.

My husband's name,  well I need to rephrase that,  my ex-husband's  name is Danté Prescott. For many years I was known as Mrs. Prescott and I took so much pride in being called such. I was a doting wife to Danté, anything he ever wanted/needed, I made it first priority in my life. That was the extent of love I had for that man.

We were married for 10 yrs and those 10yrs were both a blessing and a curse. I had trained myself to only recognize the blessing even though the curses were a lot more prominent. I guess I would call myself an optimist but I know for sure that many people  saw it as stupidity. The thing is that when you give your entire heart and life to someone you love,  the line between stupidity and reality tends to blur, well in my case that is.

My marriage had never been a bed of roses and I had suspected that Danté cheated on me,  but I always had hope that he would clean up his act and things would get better.  So on the night of our 10th wedding anniversary, I went all out for him and cooked an extravagant dinner and decorated the dining room beautifully because apart from it being our anniversary, I also had exciting news to share with him.

That night, Danté never came home. I cried myself to sleep after trying to call him throughout the night,  worried sick about his whereabouts. The next day,  I got up and cleaned the dining room and I cried while doing it because he still hadn't come home or called me. I never expected the surprise that he sent me in the form of a FedEx courier at my doorstep that morning. Once the package was opened,  I felt the last (holding on my sheer faith) piece of my heart finally break.  My husband had sent me divorce papers on the day after our 10th year wedding anniversary.

I never fought back during the divorce hearing because what was the use,  the only thing I really wanted was him but he didn't want me.  However, my lawyer advised me to at least fight for the house since I never worked a day in my marred life because Danté never wanted me to, and I would need a place to stay. So in the end, I ended up with our 2 million dollar house and the secret that was growing inside of me.  My new hope for life, and repairing my shattered heart.  My baby.

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