Chapter Twenty-Eight

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That night, I dreamt about a field on the side of the country. And a barn... and a lake with a warm and fresh breeze on a summer day. It was refreshing and I didn't want to leave. Till my brother had to cut that dream short by waking me up.

"Chris," Poke. "Chris." Poke. "Chris." Poke. "Chris. Chris. Chris. Chris. Chris. Chris. Chris." Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.

"WHAT?!" I snapped.

Caleb grinned victoriously. "Good! You're awake! Breakfast is ready." he said.

"Yeah. Whatever." I said and rolled over my stomach and almost went back to sleep when the sound of One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful erupted around my room. "What the actual fuck?!" I could barely hear my voice through the music.

I looked up and saw Caleb playing with my iPod. Ugh! Son of a bunny!!!!

I left the comforts of my loving bed and grabbed my iPod from my brother and turned it off.

Since when did I ever have One Direction on my iPod? Oh... right... Jess. That girl is crazy for that band.

"Leave me alone." I snapped.

"Breakfast is ready," Caleb said once again.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumbled and fell face-first on my bed.

"Is everything alright? You've been gloomy since last night." Caleb said.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumbled in my pillow.

"Is it Landon?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"Is it mom?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"Is it dad?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"Are you having PMS?"

"Yeah- wait. What?!" I exclaimed and sat up only to glare at my brother.

He grinned innocently. "What? You weren't answering me properly."

I sighed and slid off the bed. "I'll be down in five," I mumbled and went inside the bathroom.

~ o ~

"Hey, Chris! Don't forget your breakfast." I heard dad call out when I was halfway out the door.

"No, I'm good!"

"No. Come here and sit." It was more of a demand than a statement.

I sighed and went to the kitchen. When I entered, I almost regretted the decision of going there. It was the scariest sight ever. With my dad in the middle, my brother on his right, and my mother on his left.

I shuddered.

"I have to get to school," I said flatly.

My mom snorted. My dad shot her a glare and she instantly shut up.

"Please sit." my dad gently.

"No," I said almost immediately.


"Dad." I mocked.

"Just sit down, Chris." my dad pleaded.

"No," I stated firmly.

He sighed. "Fine. But we have to talk about last night somehow-"

"Last night was a mission accomplished. Some of us just can't accept that." I spat.

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