Chapter One

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Warning: Contents may include bad writing, wrong punctuation, immature behavior, and bad writing. This story was made when the author was young (like twelve or thirteen), childish and stupid.

Read at your own risk. Thank you.

~ o ~


"Ms. Mason, detention!" Mr. Gillies yelled at the top of his lungs his face red and nose flaring.

I would've laughed but now is not exactly the "perfect" time. Only because I kept on interrupting his lectures I get to go to detention? Psh. Whatever.

I'm used to it anyway.

I mock saluted and got out of the classroom and into the hall. That's when I let all the hysterics out. I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice I bumped into a wall.

"Watch it!" Wait, do walls talk?

I looked up to see no other than Landon Jones. Oops. Turned out to be someone rather than something. Hey, it's not my fault he eats iron than oatmeal for breakfast.

"You better watch where you're going, loser." he spat.

"Oh, I'm sorry your highness. I just wanted to go to detention peacefully where I can avoid asses like you." I said with sarcasm in my tone.

"What did you just say to me?" he growled.

So, he's deaf too, huh?

"Oh, you know that your full of crap and that I need to go. See you never!" I greeted and was about to walk away. "Oh, and you're late for class!" I said over my shoulder and rounded the corner leaving him all stunned.

Cue the evil laugh.

"We got ourselves a challenge!" I heard his voice echo through the empty halls.

What was that supposed to mean?

~ o ~

"Where have you been?!" my mom screeched when I closed the door to my house... wait, let me rephrase that; once I closed the door and walked into my very own hell.

I rolled my eyes at her. It was only 10:30 pm. I even go home later than that. I decided to just ignore her and go upstairs thinking that maybe by doing that, she'd stop bugging me.

Boy, was I wrong.

She grabbed my arm pushed my back to the wall with too much strength that I actually winced and glared at her.

Damn, agent parent.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me, young lady," she demanded her voice full of venom that I did not know was present inside her.

What is going on with her?!

"What do you want?" I spat.

"Your principal called and told me you have gotten into detention again, twice if I may add and you have been skipping classes again. Seriously, Chris? Are we going to have to keep doing this every single week?!"

Exaggerate much?

"I have a very good explanation for both detentions." I cut in.

She crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrows at me.

"Okay, first of all, I was only stating facts about Mr. Gillies' class. I mean, seriously! Everyone knows Hitler's mother was a Jew." She raised an eyebrow. "And maybe a few of it by calling him boring and annoying," I mumbled and she glared at me. "And secondly," I cut in before she could yell at me. "Mrs. Weber totally deserved that poster saying she was fat because it was true. Plus, she hates my guts. So..." I said, shrugging casually.

My mom sighed. A frustrated one at that. "First of all, you are to go to school to listen to facts. Not stating them. But only when a teacher calls you. And secondly..." she trailed off. She shook her head after a moment. "Just go to your room. There's no need to telling you to not do it again cause your gonna do it anyway," she mumbled. "We'll finish this in the morning," she added rubbing her temples.

I hurriedly went upstairs and locked myself inside my room.

Chris: 1 Mom: 0

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Hello, nice and cool people of Wattpad.

As you can see, I am editing this so a few words will be added and reduced. Hope you don't mind. Well, don't let this note stop you.


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