Chapter Fourteen

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"Oh my god. What happened to his face?"

"Is he alright?"

"What happened to him?"

Someone gasped. "Did Chris do that?"

"Who's Chris?"

"Christine Mason! The one is Mr. Gillies' class."

"The one who always gets into detention?"

"Yeah. That's right."

Those were the first few things I heard as I walked through the school halls. Christine Mason? How did the topic from my face end up with her?

Christine Mason.

Ugh. The name sounded like poison. Even to my own ears. I felt someone tap my shoulders and I whirled around to see Cole.

His face immediately contorted with disgust. "Dude, what happened to your face?" he asked.

I sighed. "Mission," I said casually.

He shrugged. That's one of the reasons why Cole and I are friends. He knows when to push it and when to back off. Jeff and Blake soon arrived and asked me the same question Cole asked. I told Blake about the mission and he told Jeff a lie. Poor kid.

My eyes soon landed on the person whose name has been going around the school like wildfire.

She was talking with her friend with a frown on her face. She's always frowning... or glaring... or scowling... or smirking... you get the point. She was leaning on her locker while her friend was standing straight, clutching her books in her hands.

A total of 9.

I found myself approaching them. Their conversation stopped when they saw me approach. Her friend visibly stiffened and Chris only looked annoyed.

"Is there a problem?" she snapped.

"Actually, there is. If you ever mess up my missions with that Lucas guy, I'm going to slaughter you." I threatened.

She didn't even flinch. "You think you're the only one who hates this situation? I put that guy in prison three years ago. Who knows what he's planning now." she said, coldly.

"Aw... Is someone scared?" I mocked with a smirk.

She glared at me and for whatever reason, it sent an unwanted shiver down my spine.

I hid my uneasiness with a wink that was directed to her friend. "See you around ladies." with that I walked away.

~ o ~


I sighed and leaned on my office chair. I was currently at our secret hideout under Safe Haven, looking at some files. I was done with homework and I had nothing else to do.

I studied some pictures of some criminals and remembering how I put them all in jail when I was only fourteen. I know. Too young, right? Of course, my mom was there to guide me all throughout the day.

Not really...

"Something bothering your beauty sleep?" a new voice said from behind me.

My head whirled around and saw Lucas. I looked at the clock and it read 10:30 pm. Is it that late already?!

"What are you still doing here?" I asked him.

"I should be asking you that question. And besides," he hopped and sat on the table. "haven't you heard? I live here. At least temporarily." he said.

"Really? My mom never told me that." I said.

He nodded. "Well, enough about that. What are you working on?" he asked and went behind my shoulder to study the pictures.

"Um, nothing. Just looking at some pictures. I was just leaving." I informed.

"Oh, okay," he said, quietly. "I'll see you soon... team," he said the last word, hesitantly.

I looked at him and saw him looking anywhere but me. Is he expecting me to yell and scream that we aren't teammates and that he should get out of my life?


But no. I'm too tired to do that. Instead, I went with a, "Sure. I'll see you," I yawned. "I have to go," I said and walked away.

~ o ~

"Hey. Where have you been?" my mother asked softly.

"Just down at Safe Haven. Doing some stuff." I said, casually. "Oh, and you didn't tell me about Lucas staying there," I added.

"Just never came up," she said.

In normal circumstances, I would've yelled and stuff, but right now wasn't normal. I was tired and sleepy. And again, I was too tired to argue. So I let it slide.

I nodded instead. "Okay. Sure. I need to go and get some sleep. See you tomorrow." I said and went upstairs.

When I opened my door, I jumped to my bed and landed with a thump. And I instantly fell asleep, thinking about the rumors the next day.

I don't want to face those fucking rumors tomorrow...

Damn it.

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