Chapter Twenty-Four

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Landon and I jolted awake the minute we heard the metal doors creak open. Two men came in and I started shaking. Landon must've noticed it because he instantly grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze. I instantly felt calmer.

"One last time, kiddo. Where is the microchip." One of them hissed.

"If I tell you then I'd have to kill you. You know I will, jerk." I said sarcastically.

"Why you little..." he made a move to hit me but Landon was fast enough. He hit the man square on the jaw and the guy fell to the floor. The other man was quick enough to avenge his friend hit Landon on the stomach and landed on the floor.

Even in my weak state, I immediately went to Landon who was groaning in pain. I bit my lip to suppress a groan.

"Landon. Landon. Hey..." I said and made him lie down by his back.

"Your kids will never get out of here alive." one of the boys said and then they left. I was too worried about Landon to even care. Landon snaked one of his arms to cover his stomach and groaned with his eyes closed.

"You're stupid, you know that? Why did you even punch the guy, you creep." I scolded.

"I couldn't let them hurt you," he said slightly opening his eyes.

"Well, I'm fine. Thanks." I snapped. "Come on." I pulled Landon up and brought him back to the wall and we both sat there in silence. Again.



"Thank you."

There was silence for a moment.

"No problem." his voice was barely above a whisper when he said it.

"We're going to get out of here, I promise," I whispered and I knew Landon heard it before he fell asleep.

~ o ~

I played with the locket in my hands while Landon slept beside me. I was opening and closing it as if it would anything to help get us out. I stared at it till I turned it over and found that there was a writing in the middle. I looked at it closely and read it.

To the girl I secretly love.

My heart sped up. What does that supposed to mean? I read it again and again just checking to see if I read it right. And I did. This is just crazy. We... we hate each other.

If he actually hates you then why did he come for you, stupid. the little voice in my head snapped.

I hate it when my little voice is right.

He... loves me? I don't know what to do because to be honest, I think I'm feeling the same damn way... This is bad. This is very bad. We're not supposed to love each other. That's just... That's just forbidden!

What about your parents? my little voice bit back.

Ugh. Right again!

Landon stirred from beside me and I quickly kept the locket away. I looked at him as he sat up a little straighter and opened his eyes.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better. Any ideas on how we'll get out of here?" he asked.

I sighed. "Um... no. Haven't thought of that... yet." I said.

"Why?" I have been thinking about you, that's why.

"Why, with all the punches and the kicks they give me. It's quite hard to think right now." I said casually.

He smiled sadly. "I'm sorry about... all of this."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It's... their fault." I assured him.

There was silence for a moment.

"Chris, I-" He was about to say something when the door banged open once again but it wasn't those two men from earlier. It was... one of the men from the agency!

Thank goodness!

"Are you okay, agents?" he asked, gently.

"We're fine. Um... Agent Jones here needs help." I said quickly and gestured to Landon.

He nodded. "Paramedics are on their way, agent," he informed.

I looked back at Landon and he was staring at me with his green orbs. Someone tapped my shoulders and I turned around and saw the same officer but this time he had a key.

Right. I was still cuffed.

The officer kneeled down in front of me and started unlocking my chains. I looked back at Landon but found him closing his eyes. He's in pain. Shuffling of feet can be heard from outside and men yelling instructions.

They must be scanning the perimeter.

The doors were pulled wide open and a flash of light covered the darkroom. My mother came in after that looking worried and on the verge of tears.

"Oh, Chris. I am so sorry," she said and hugged me.

By the time my mom pulled away, the officer who found us just finished unlocking the chains. My mom thanked him and the officer proceeded to help Landon up. It was faint but I heard his groan when the officer helped him up. He glanced at me before proceeding to get out of the room. I stared at his retreating back with a frown as my mom kept hugging me.

What was he going to say to me?

I pushed that thought away and focused on my mom.

"... understand?" She said something? I wasn't even listening.

"Um... Sure. Sure, whatever." I said.

"Great. I'll prepare for our picnic as soon as we get home," she said.


"Yeah," I answered my mind trailing back to Landon.

What could he have possibly wanted?

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