Chapter Thirteen

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"Well done, team. I expected less from a bunch of teenagers but you kids proved me wrong. Good job." my mother said standing tall and looking proud. Well, more like Landon. Every time she looks at me there would always be disappointment written all over her face.

Who cares?!

It's not my fault my dad sent Landon on fieldwork instead of me. I sighed and twirled around in my chair.

"You are all dismissed." my mother said.

To start off, I'd like to introduce you to my team. Marlie would be one, my dad, me (obviously), Landon, and mom. And maybe Jess (sometimes). I love them... well... maybe except for Landon. Yuck.

"Landon, Chris. Can I talk to you for a second?" my mom called out when Landon and I were leaving and once the room was empty.

Landon and I exchanged glances before approaching my mom who was sitting on an office chair. What is this about? Last I checked, I haven't done anything wrong...


"Is there something wrong?" I asked, hesitantly.

My mom sighed before folding her hands together. "I'm assigning a third party for you guys," she said.

I scrunch my eyebrows together. "Third-party? What does that suppose to mean?" I asked, unsure.

"It means she's assigning a third person to be on our team, stupid." Landon snapped.

I glared at him. "You know, if you do that again, I am going to kill you myself." I threatened.

He smirked. "Am I getting into your nerves? Sorry. But I'm not really sorry." he mocked.

"You know, why don't you take this knife and shove it up to your a-"

"Chris!" my mom snapped.

I sighed. "I'm sorry," I mumbled.

My mom sighed before continuing. "As I was saying. You're going to have a new teammate-"

"Can I have a new partner instead?" I cut in.

My mom glared at me. "Chris, if you interrupt me again, I will suspend you." she threatened.

WHAT?! I wasn't the one who interrupted you the first time! I wanted to yell but instead, I stood there mouth slightly apart.

My mother huffed and continued. "This person is going to be the one staying in the van while both of you will be on the field," she explained.

"Great. I'll have two losers on my team." Landon muttered.

You're the loser. I said in my head. Son of a-

"And he will be the one to help track down the person you need to find. In other words, he'll do the computers while both of you do the fighting." my mom said.

"It's a boy?" Landon asked.

My mom nodded.

"Doesn't sound half bad," he muttered.

"Great. I'll be teamed up with two egotistical maniacs." I mumbled.

"Chris!" my mother scolded.

"What? So, he gets to mumble incoherent things but I don't?" I protested.

"It's not lady-like," she said.

"When was I ever acting like a lady?" I snapped.

She let out a frustrated sigh. "Your new teammate will be here right about... now."

The door opened and in came a very unexpected visitor. Lucas Flynn.

"Son of a bitch." Landon and I said in unison.

Lucas stood there, smiling sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck. I turned my gaze back to my mother.

"You're joking. Now, tell me. Who is it?" I demanded. "And he's a criminal! Remember? He went to jail like... three years ago. And his breaking free is still a huge mystery. Why are you assigning him as our new teammate?" I babbled.

"He got out of prison because he was bailed out. By none other than Teddy Lewis. Turns out his father and Teddy were friends and I am assigning him as your new partner because he owes me." My mother said.

"Owes you? What are you talking about?" Landon asked.

"That's personal," she said casually.

"Oh, and I'm not? Come on. If you want us to work with him," I pointed at Lucas. "Can you at least be honest?" I said.

My mother huffed. "We're searching for his father. After he gave us information about Teddy. His father was kidnapped a few years ago and still hasn't been found." my mother answered.

I looked at Lucas who had a blank expression. There was a moment of silence before I decided to break it.

"I'm sorry," I told Lucas.

He looked surprised. So did my mother and Landon. What? Is it not okay to apologize?

Oh, bother.

~ o ~

"So, I hear there's a new teammate. What's his name?" Jess said as we walked through the halls of the academy.

"Lucas Flynn," I answered the name tasting like poison in my mouth.

"Lucas Flynn... Wait... You mean the Lucas Flynn?" she gasped.

"Yup. That Lucas Flynn." I answered and entered the classroom.

I took a seat just as the bell rang and Mr. Gillies came strolling down to the teacher's table.

He looked around before he spotted me. "Why, Ms. Mason. Isn't it a lovely surprise to see that you're not late today," he mocked.

"Always a pleasure, Mr. Gillies," I said with a proud smirk.

"I expect good behavior from you, Ms. Mason," he said, eyeing me cautiously.

"I make no promises," I said and leaned back in my chair as the class started to snicker.

Yup. A total pleasure...

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